When You Hear of Wars and Rumors of War, Be Still & Know

A few thoughts today, friends. The news is scary, God’s Word is sure and steady. He doesn’t shake when the world shakes. He is immovable, and by His power, so are we. Stay firm, stay true, stay focused on Him more than the news. He is good and fully in control. Here’s a video where […]

Your Silent Competitor

Here’s what I know about me, in the face of competition I know I can’t win, I draw back. I’m not the competitive type who digs deep and goes all in if I don’t think I have a chance to win. Now, I will push hard until the moment I realize there is no winning […]

Does Fear Keep You From Giving Generously?

Do you ever struggle with giving generously because you feel you need to be “safe” and fill your own reserves? If so, you are in good company. Several years ago one of my sons modeled to me full faith giving. He had no fear of giving all he had for God’s purposes. In 1 Kings […]

Be Ready So You Don’t Have To Get Ready

I heard a story on a podcast last year that impacted me deeply. Imagine calling home to your mom to tell her you’d met the boy of your dreams only to hear words back that left you speechless. “Honey, he’s not looking for a girl like you.” What if those ‘truth in love’ words were the words you desperately needed to hear to wake up and see clearly about the path you were dangerously walking?
Today I’m sharing this story that impacted me, and I hope it inspires you the way it did me. Join me for the full post.

My Favorite Parental Controls For Kids’ Screens and Devices

It’s a new year and many of your kiddos received iPads, smartphones, computers, or other electronic devices. You are now wondering how in the world to set up parental controls and keep your kids safe. Today I’m sharing my favorite resource to date. Join me for today’s post.

Never Night Again

Can you imagine a world with no need for the sun or the moon? Our human brains find this impossible, but the Bible tells us it’s coming. Hop over for a dose of encouragement today.