31 Days of Uncomfortable
You know those times you expect to scan an email or a blog post, pick up the highlights, and move on about your happy day? That was me when I saw Emily Freeman’s post about the 31 day challenge to write.
Curiosity piqued. I read further. I even went so far as to click over to the source blog. Then I went further and clicked many of the blogs that have participated in the past. I was fascinated by the idea.
Why? Because I process life through writing. Putting a pen in my hand is like giving me a shovel into the places buried in my soul. However, I like to write when I want to write. I like to write on my own timetable and don’t know if I write well under pressure. I’ve always had plenty of time to write what needs to be written. (Can you see a theme emerging? Can you see a topic God needs me to explore?)
If I write for 31 days and commit to it might I dare to dig deeper? Might I explore life with intentional purpose through writing? If I write on one topic for 31 days, is it possible my shovel will dig deep enough to find hidden tunnels that connect one to another?
I pondered these thoughts. Then I formulated all the necessary excuses for why I couldn’t participate. Here goes:
- I blog once or twice a week because I don’t want to fill up inboxes everyday and take away from the moments I’m writing to inspire.
- I don’t think I can possibly write 31 posts on one topic.
- I don’t have time. Period.
- My first book JUST released. Did I mention I don’t have time?
- I don’t want to fail
If I’m honest numbers 1-5 on that list would read “I DON’T WANT TO FAIL”.
Failing is uncomfortable. It’s not the place I want to be. But what if that is exactly where God wants me to be? What if He has plans for me right in the middle of that most uncomfortable place? Whether I succeed or fail doesn’t matter. It’s the work He is doing that matters.
So friends, I’m taking the challenge. I really don’t want to fail right before your very eyes. But I might. Whether I succeed or fail, I pray you will see God in the midst of it all.
I hope you join along for 31 Days of Getting Uncomfortable With God.
This is the post for Day One.
Day 3: When Success Wears the Mask of Failure
Day 4: Jonah’s Discomfort After the Whale
Day 5: Lessons from the Batters Box
Day 8: Lessons of Hope From Shawshank
Day 9: Promoting a Book is Painfully Uncomfortable
Day 10: Happy 10th Birthday, Jacob
Day 13: Is it time to camp or travel?
Day 15: The Uncomfortable Dance
Day 16: When We Accept The Uncomfortable Gift of Rest
Day 17: The Book That Made Me Love Him More
Day 18: Radical is Pretty Uncomfortable
Day 19: Be Strong and Courageous
Day 24: When an Orphan Enters Your Life
Day 26: A Peace of Uncomfortable
Day 31: Jesus the Ultimate Picture of Discomfort

Thank you! I am also doing the 31 days, don’t have the time. I am praying God comes along on this journey as I need to depend on God or nothing good comes out of my fingers. That’s very uncomfortable. I thought I was nuts, but you are right, uncomfortable is a GOOD place to be, because it means we are trusting Him.
Thank you Barbara. I couldn’t agree more. When I find myself trusting in my own abilities everything falls apart. When He takes me to the place of complete surrender, it’s amazing how things just begin to come together! Can’t wait to follow your 31 days! Good luck!