Entries by Renee

Day 30: Do you dare to dream?

I had a dream to write a book.  But it was a secret dream.  I didn’t share it because how many people actually write a book?  Why would I think I could actually do it when so many people much more talented have the same dream? I dreamed of being a writer.  I kept that […]

Day 29: A Name

There are some people that when you meet them you feel you already know them.  And that they know you.   Today’s post comes from my friend, Jen, sister to one of my dearest friends – Stephanie…mentioned in Seeking Christmas. After you read Jen’s words, please spend some time on her blog reading her beautiful […]

Day 28: How far can I go?

[box] T.S Elliot “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”[/box] As a runner I must push myself.  To go further, to go faster, to increase endurance.  Pushing through a run is anything but comfortable.  At times it’s nothing short of pure misery.  I’m not a good […]

Day 27: A Journey of Refining

Our journey is one of never-ending refining.  He takes His created and molds them, shapes them, refines them in order that they become a creation that glorifies Him. We watched the blacksmith at work.  His simple tools, his block of metal, and the fire.  When he started he took iron that appeared useless.  He heated […]

Day 26: A Peace of Uncomfortable

To move with God, to get uncomfortable, takes courage. But. He gives us peace through it all. John 14:27, NIV “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Wishing your weekend is filled […]

Day 25: The Deep End

[box] Today’s post is from a dear friend- who is in the process of adopting Viktors right now. Paula contacted me the night before Viktors was to leave us. She had found my blog about him and felt the prompting of the Lord. Her family was uncertain at the time what role the Lord had […]