Entries by Renee

Day 23: Changing Perspective

I love new adventures.  I really love change.  (We have moved 7 times in 13 years- and loved it.)  Steve loves change too.  This makes for a great match as we usually get the itch together. Keeps life fun and exciting.  Our kids are a different story. Some change is comfortable for me.  Like moving […]

Day 22: Say No

Several years ago I sat in a friend’s living room listening to our other friend talk to our group about living simply. My friend who did the talking(who by the way co-founded Take Them A Meal) is someone who naturally exudes peace.  She speaks calmly.  Her children are tame.  When I’m in her home, I […]

Day 21: Happy Birthday Steve

So two birthdays fall during my 31 day uncomfortable series.  And all of our birthdays fall between September and November. Today we celebrate a man who consistently challenges me to move outside of my comfort zone. A man who God gifted with the gift of encouragement and who is not content to sit by and […]

Day 20: Catch Up Day

For the month of October, I’m writing everyday on the topic of getting uncomfortable with God. What does that look like?  What does that mean? If you are just joining in on this series, here is Day One which contains an index of all days in this series.  Today is a good day to catch […]

Day 19: Be Strong and Courageous

This weekend as you ponder where God is moving you in your walk outside of your comfort zone, take this verse to heart. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Whatever […]

Day 18: Radical is Pretty Uncomfortable

Radical by David Platt: “We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you see their faces.  It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms.  But once you do, everything changes.” “So when you and I hear staggering numbers and statistics about the poor and needy around us […]

Day 17: The Book That Made Me Love Him More

I read a book that made me uncomfortable from the first page.  In a good way. Listen, everything I’m exploring this 31 days is to move us closer in our walk with Jesus.  It’s not getting uncomfortable for the sake of discomfort.  Not at all.  It’s so we can experience an intimacy with God like […]