Entries by Renee

Day 15: The Uncomfortable Dance

[box] “If you obeyed God because you understood what he was doing and how it would benefit you, then you’d actually be stationary.” Tim Keller[/box] God did not create rhythm in my bones.  It’s physically painful at times in fact.  I found myself surrounded at an event by women who apparently God gifted with an […]

Day 14: Trust and Obey

I love Bible studies and for the most part am in one every opportunity I have.  3 consecutive studies I took were on Deuteronomy or Exodus.  I didn’t know this when I signed up.  I even remember telling Steve that I was getting a bit bored of studying the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt.  I’m […]

Day 13: Is it time to camp or travel?

The journey of the Israelites out of Egypt is simply captivating.  So much can be unpacked here.  Moving outside the comfort zone is a theme that flashes like a neon sign. Numbers 9:15-23 23 “So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses.” I want […]

Day 12: Do You Dare?

“God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.”  Ruby Dee Would you dare to challenge yourself today?  Would you take one small step out of your comfort zone today? Could today be the day you pick up the phone and begin the process of healing old wounds?  Could today […]

Day 11: God’s Call

“But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.” Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God Happy Friday, friends.  May your weekend be filled with uncomfortable situations that […]

Day 10: Happy 10th Birthday Jacob

Dear Jacob, Your birthday happens to fall in the middle of my 31 day series on getting uncomfortable with God.  You don’t fit in this topic.  In fact, I can think of all the ways you make my life more comfortable. You see, I get you.  And that brings me comfort. Where did a decade […]