Entries by Renee

Let’s Get Uncomfortable

Last week we celebrated my son’s 9th birthday.  Great efforts were made to make his day, his week, extra special.  Special touches, simple actions to let him know we love him and we want to celebrate who he is.  All 9 years of him. In the midst of all the celebrating, the Lord broke my […]

And the winner is…

Jessica To: “The $50 would help me to buy Christmas presents for my son for Christmas!” Jessica please email me your name and mailing info to reneebfw@gmail.com.  Enjoy your $50 gift card!

10K Parent Training Plan and Another $50 Giveaway

Training for a race is not much different than walking the road of parenting.  To become a runner, to train for a race, requires planning, intentionality, priority setting, discipline, and perseverance.  You will shed blood, sweat, and tears.  It takes pushing through the cramps, wiping off the dirt, and continuing to put one foot in […]

September 27th

Yesterday was September 27th.  All day I had this nagging feeling about the date.  Was it someone’s birthday I was forgetting?  An anniversary?  Why every time I saw the date, did I feel a twinge of something I couldn’t put my finger on?  Driving Andrew home from preschool it hit me.  His constant chatter brought […]

A Little Birdie

A little birdie told me there might be a little giveaway here at Barefoot Walks on Saturday.  And it might put a little cash in your pocket for a little fall fun. You might want to check back on Saturday to see if the little birdie is right.  

Smile at Me

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”  Mother Teresa Lost in my thoughts, I moved from counter to table and table to counter as I was hurrying to get dinner on the table.  I wasn’t mad or happy.  I was simply in […]

Memories Wrapped In Fall

(My mom making fall arrangements with my oldest son in 2008) Eager to spread my wings and fly, I graduated my senior year of high school 6 months early in December of 1994.  My high school sweetheart, now my husband, graduated the prior June, and I was ready to join him in “the real world”.  […]