Mission Monday Moments
I desire for my children to feel so cherished and loved that they in turn will pour out that love into the lives of others. Matthew 22:36-40 ” ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the […]
Intentional Summer Memory Making Resources
Click the links below for some excellent summer resources to inspire your journey for an intentional summer. When we tearfully send our children back to school this fall, let’s look back fondly over our summer memories knowing we took hold of every single moment. Intentionally. Summer Survival Tips for Parents (audio podcast May 30th, 2012 Focus […]
Creating Perfect Memories….Imperfectly
Recently, I tried a new approach to hosting a gathering that I must admit was excruciating to implement. To execute this experiment took self-control and discipline. The result was freedom. Freedom and life. Precious family memories have been created in our home when we have spent time sharing our life and our home with our […]
Chores, A Tradition? Part Two
Today’s post is a follow-up to the previous post, Chores, A Tradition? Part One. I mentioned that we have started and stopped many different chore systems in our home. We have used chore charts, we have used online chore sites, we have used the index card system. You name it, we have likely tried it. […]
Chores, A Tradition? Part One
Chores, a tradition? I don’t think so! That is what your kids would be thinking of this post. Ok, so maybe chores aren’t actually a tradition, per se. But they do accomplish some of the same goals that traditions accomplish. Though chores might not create the warm, fuzzy experiences that say eating chocolate chip cookies […]
A Bird in Need
As I was preparing dinner, Zachary burst through the door from baseball practice. My hand flew up to stop him in his tracks in hopes of preventing mud tracks from the baseball field from being spread across the kitchen floor. He panted, “Mom, come here, there is a baby bird outside.” Everyone dropped what they were doing […]