Day 17: Tell Me More

Using translator the other day, I asked Viktors, “Tell me something I don’t know about you”. “I can tell you nothing.”  That is what translated anyway. The last few days he has dropped more and more nuggets of info.  He’s comfortable now.  My boys (up to this point in their little lives) tell me everything. […]

Day 13: Autostereogram Moments

(autostereogram image by John Hsu) According to Wikipedia “An autostereogram is a single-image stereogram (SIS), designed to create the visual illusion of a three-dimensional (3D) scene within the human brain from an external two-dimensional image. In order to perceive 3D shapes in these autostereograms, one must overcome the normally automatic coordination between accommodation (focus) and vergence (angle of ones eyes)….. A hidden 3D scene emerges when the image is viewed with the correct […]

Day 10: The little victories

One of the most difficult aspects of hosting Viktors is the language barrier.  We have trained our own children to obey, simply obey first, ask questions after you’ve obeyed.  Now, they don’t always do this, but they know that is the expectation.  Well, Viktors hasn’t been trained to simply obey.  Yet, he wants to.  He […]

Day 7: A Week Really?

The fastest week.  The most exhausting week.  The most emotionally draining week.  The most joy-filled week.  A roller coaster of a week. Has it really been 7 days already?  Was it really this time last week that we were giddy with excitement, barely able to contain ourselves, as we waited to get to know this […]

Day 6: Constant State of Action

This is the state of my kitchen in the midst of cookie making with 4 boys.  They are over at the table devouring their masterpieces at the time of this picture. Jenga has quickly become a favorite game.  No English required and so fun for everyone.  Until little Drew hits the table…. A little Christmas […]

Day 5: His likes and dislikes

I’m discovering he is adventuresome.  He likes to stay busy.  Like most boys. They need to stay busy. He loves to ride bikes and scooters.  Soccer is by far his favorite sport and he is really good at it too!  When he plays he puts on Jacob’s adidas shorts and Messi jersey.  He loves power […]