Everyday is a Holiday


“You know, Mom, everyday is a holiday to me.”   His body lay sideways across the arm-chair, feet dangling over the side.  I studied those legs.  They are getting bigger, longer.  I tried to ignore the fact his toenails needed to be cut.  Held my tongue from nagging and just relished this rare moment with him.

“Why is that?”

“Well, today is Thursday.  And there will never again be THIS Thursday.  Each day we have 24 hours.  And we have to be wise with how we use those 24 hours because once they are gone, we will never have them back.”  He took a bite of his apple, picking at the skin.  “That is why everyday is like a holiday to me.”

My boy, you are preaching to the choir.  You will never know how much I treasure every single second God grants me with you.  You will simply never know.

“You are so right, sweetie.  We need to make the most of every single moment we are given.”

Suddenly, I didn’t care that it was an hour past his bedtime.  I didn’t care that I wouldn’t get to finish the laundry now.  I didn’t care about anything other than soaking him up.  There will never again be THIS Thursday night.  The one where he was relaxed and had my full attention because his brothers were asleep.  The one where I realized he gets it.  He gets the beauty of this life.  It’s a gift.

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

2 replies
  1. Leese
    Leese says:

    Thank you for that. These last nearly six months are not ones that have had much that’s been pleasant in them (to put it mildly) and I find myself often wishing I could fast forward to the “fix” doctors are hopeful will at least help things turn a corner. Admittedly I have struggled to enjoy or appreciate most (if not all) of these days. Most of the time I feel like I’m doing well to find a thing or two to be grateful for in them, but that rarely translates to changing how I feel about the day in general. Thanks for a post that is making me think.

  2. Renee Robinson
    Renee Robinson says:

    I completely understand. When the days are not beautiful, it is much harder to have that perspective. It takes much prayer and self discipline. Focusing on the sovereignty of God rather than the issues at hand helps to change the perspective. And the hope that one day, one day, every day will be beautiful perfection. When we are eternally present with the Lord.

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