Find Your “Just One”
If you have ever looked at the problems of the world and felt that you are only one person against a mountain of problems and wondered how you could make a difference, I encourage you to listen to this message from Andy Stanley. If you have ever heard someone say, “You can’t save them all,” this message addresses that theory. If you’ve ever thought that the little bit you can do will not solve the world’s problems, I challenge you to try.
We can’t end world hunger. But we can feed one. We can’t adopt all the orphans but we can show one the love of Christ. We can’t save them all. But that isn’t our job. We can use our gifts, talents, and resources to impact just one. Who knows what a difference that just one will make.
When you involve your children in investing in just one, you are creating an experience for your child that will drastically impact their life. When your family invests in “just one”, you are actually investing in many. You will see a change in the hearts of your children and grandchildren.
The moments you give and gain from investing in “just one” will change your life.
Andy Stanley is one of the best communicators I’ve ever listened to. I hope you enjoy!
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I LOVE this! This is so true. We can make a difference in the lives of others – one person at a time! I know ONE awfully cute, Latvian boy who your family made a difference in his life. Thankful for your obedience and faithfulness in that – it’s made an eternal difference in his life – and ours!
Yes, one is all it takes to keep us focused on helping. It’s achievable and makes all the difference in the world!!