Post Viktors
If you are new to Barefoot Walks, I need to explain something. Our family took a 4 week detour from our normal life so we could create moments, memories, and experiences for an orphan who would not normally have such. If you haven’t been on this journey with us, start here. If you have been on this journey with us, thank you.
I will soon begin posting the normal material. Posts aimed at inspiring a life of meaningful moments. A life of creating memories that you keep forever. And a life of creating experiences with the ones you love.
At the moment it is all becoming meshed together. My desire to strengthen my own family bonds moved outside the realm of my own family. God broke my heart for the ones who have no family bonds. And for right now, I remain in a heartbroken state. Waiting to see God’s miraculous and mysterious work.
My heart has been for the family for several years. God has revealed a bigger picture to me through this experience. He’s given me a heart for those without a family.
One thing I learned through this. God must break our heart to inspire action for His people. Without a broken heart, we are helpless to help those who truly need it. My heart is crushed. A little boy walked into our lives and I will never read about another orphan the same again. I will never be the same again. And I thank God for that. I don’t ever want to be the same again.
Since Viktors left, we have cried buckets of tears. I have thought I was ok then had a friend ask and I fall apart again. The smallest things trigger this rush of emotion. Where has this been stored my whole life?
Viktors is on my mind constantly. There is rarely a moment that goes by I’m not thinking of him, praying for him. I’ve seen God at work like never before over these past couple of days.
I connected with Viktors through Frype (which is like Facebook that a lot of these kids in Latvia use). He sent me this message this morning and I fell into a complete puddle.
“I think of your family. Here in Latvia is not what you do. I love everything you do.” At the end of his message was a love emoticon.
Everything in me wishes I could tell this boy that he will one day have what we have here. With his very own forever family I know he will. Because the God I serve is faithful and just. He will do this. I have had several families contact me about adopting him. And so many people are praying for him right now.
If we don’t hurt, how can we know the God of Comfort? I know the God of Comfort right now.

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I believe for Viktors, too. Thank you for the update. God bless your heart and take away your sorrow.
Thank you Teresa. I will post updates as we have them!
I love this boy so much – you know I do. Thank you for being his voice when he didn’t have one.
I love this boy – you know I do. Thank you for being his voice when he didn’t have one. Thanks for being the hands and feet when he needed Jesus more than anything. Thank you for hearing the call to LOVE the least of these – and obeying. Thank you for showing him Jesus in your lives. Your family will FOREVER be a part of his story. So glad God made our worlds collide. 🙂
I am so glad that you have had families interested in adopting him. He sounds like a darling kiddo with an amazing personality and so much promise. He has crossed my mind so many times since I first heard your story. Please keep updating. I pray for great things ahead for this young man. I’m sorry that you are hurting after his departure. <3
Thanks for commenting, Jennifer. Viktors definitely touched a lot of hearts. I will definitely keep updating as we have info.
I know you do Paula!! I’m so grateful God brought us together to. God didn’t make it easy to disobey. He wouldn’t give me any rest and peace until we moved forward with hosting 🙂
Hi Renee,
I am a leader of the United Methodise Women at my church, and we love to do furdraisers for children. Is there anything that we can do for Viktors and/or his orphanage as a whole? Clothing, shoes, goody bags at Easter, etc…. I would love to do something and thought you may know if this was a possibility. Thanks Renee!
Courtney, That would be wonderful! I will email you some suggestions for you guys to think about. Thank you so much!
I think of Viktors many times during the day. I still see his eyes and feel his heart wanting to be accepted and loved. He is easy to love. I pray for him. My heart has been hurting the moment I saw his picture on your post. I wanted to see him again before he left. I am so thankful we were able to know and love him for a short visit. May God Bless Viktors always.