10K Parent Training Plan and Another $50 Giveaway
Training for a race is not much different than walking the road of parenting. To become a runner, to train for a race, requires planning, intentionality, priority setting, discipline, and perseverance. You will shed blood, sweat, and tears. It takes pushing through the cramps, wiping off the dirt, and continuing to put one foot in front of the other. Even when all you want to do is throw in the towel. Even when you wonder if each step is making a difference at all…….
To read the rest of this article, click the link and join me over at The Better Mom where I am contributing today!
I’m so excited about contributing over at The Better Mom that I thought a giveaway was in order.
Prize: $50 Amex gift card
How to enter:
- Leave a comment about how $50 could be useful to your family, a favorite fall activity or tradition, or anything you like!
- Like me on Facebook
- Subscribe to receive email notifications of posts delivered straight to your inbox. Upper right corner of the home page.
- Follow me on Twitter
- Pin today’s post on Pinterest so others can join the fun of the giveaway.
- Share Barefoot Walks on Facebook or Twitter. Comment with your link backs please. Share the giveaway. Share your favorite post. Share whatever you like.
- Did you read this list and find yourself in the category of “I’ve already done #2-4?” Awesome! Do #1, 5, and/or 6 and get credits for #2-4 as well! Just a way to say thank you for your faithful support!
Not So Fine Print: Winner will be chosen at random. Giveaway closes Wednesday at 11:59 pm. Winner will be announced here at Barefoot Walks on Thursday, so be sure to check back to see if you are the lucky winner. You can have up to 6 chances to win. Each item in “How to Enter” makes you eligible for one chance. The more you do, the more chances you get.
*****Updates made to Not so Fine Print Sunday, September 30th*************************