The “Best of” Christmas Posts – Tips to simplify, celebrate, serve, cherish, and give

I thought it would be helpful to compile a list of my most popular or favorite posts from the past Christmas seasons. Enjoy these over several days. I’ll be sharing new posts soon. Currently we are wrapping up our first semester of homeschooling. I have much to share with you on what the Lord has been working in my heart.
I pray your Christmas season is off to a beautiful start!!
18 Ways Your Family Can Serve Others At Christmas
The Christmas season seems to blow in like a blizzard and bury us with piles of to-do’s. The key for me is to plan ahead just a little. To determine before life gets too hectic what our family will do.
Give the Gift They Don’t Know To Ask For –
“I have come to realize that my boys only retain a small portion of what I speak to them. My words are granted only a few seconds to slip in before the door of opportunity slams. Written words aren’t blocked by doors, they slide under the crack of the door. There they remain and can be taken in slowly over time and multiple times.
A letter from a parent to a child is a tool that plants words deep into the soil of the soul. Those words remain with them for life. When the words are most needed, they are waiting to be unearthed. Resurrected to life in the heart of the child.”
My Favorite Christmas Tradition – A Father’s Blessing ( For single mothers and widows, a mother’s blessing is equally as powerful and life-giving)
It’s a gift slipped into the Christmas tree. A letter. Words. To be opened with care and treasured for life. A gift that won’t be quickly forgotten. A gift that might not hold the wow factor, but a gift that will give more than we ever actually realize.
When You Are Weighed Down By Getting it Right at Christmas –
Christmas can be simpler than we make it. There is freedom in walking in simple ways. In our home some things we do every year, and some things change each year. A tradition is a gift when it is enjoyed, but when it ties you down, it’s no longer a gift. This post shares a few books and activities we enjoyed one Christmas.
“We’ve all had that kind of Christmas. The one that seems to rush by only for you to look back and feel you missed it all. The one that you feel you are on the Christmas treadmill, checking off the list, racing from obligation to obligation, panting for air.
Then you wonder, did you miss Christmas? Did you show your kids what Christmas really means?
Here’s the secret to not missing Christmas. The absolute certain way that you will not miss it.”
Fighting the Christmas Pressure to Impress
“When we fall to the pressure of our culture in our gift giving, it becomes about us. The attention is taken from the gift recipient and placed back on us. We might earn favor or impress, but we lost our humility. Christmas is the greatest picture of humility the world has ever seen.
If we want to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, it starts with modeling humility.”
When Your Christmas Season Doesn’t Go As Planned
Sometimes when our Christmas looks nothing like we planned, we experience Him like we never imagined. Isn’t that the real gift of Christmas?
15 Non-Toy Gifts To Give At Christmas – a most popular post!! The title says it all.
When It’s Time To Break Tradition -Why The Wish List Needs To Go Away –
“He came to do. He doesn’t need our to-do’s.
Instead of filling our to-do’s with finding the perfect gifts for our kids, planning magical surprises to delight, scouring social media for the latest, newest, creative expression of Christmas magic, turn it over to him. Let go of the pressure to create magic. The magic is here. Waiting to be found. Hunt for it rather than burden yourself with creating it.”
25 Advent Calendar Days of Memories and Experiences
I’ve found a secret to fighting this type of Christmas stress.
With our advent calendar, we have simplified our Christmas, while making our season more meaningful and intentional. It only takes a little extra planning the first year, then each year that follows, you will thank yourself for making your holiday less stressful and more memorable.
Gifts for the True Gift of Christmas
Dear Boys, When You Compare What You Get For Christmas With What Someone Else Gets
“Most people, if they had really learned to look into their own hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world. There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise.”CS Lewis, Mere Christianity