Viktors is Back
The emotions ran high last week. Much higher than I anticipated. The day was approaching for Viktors to meet the family that would become his forever family.
If you are lost, let me catch you up. Our family hosted an 11-year-old orphan from Latvia over Christmas. His name is Viktors. He stole my heart before I ever laid my eyes on him. We poured our hearts into him for 4 weeks, and when he returned to Latvia in January 2013, a part of my heart returned with him forever. I loved him like my own.
I was asked how we could do that. Weren’t we worried about the hurt when he went back to the orphanage? Worried we were not. Full of faith we were. Jesus hung on a cross for me. Thank God he didn’t let his fear of pain stand in the way of fulfilling God’s plan. Our decision to host an orphan was confirmed by God 100 times over, time and time again.
Our 4 weeks were filled with joy, sorrow, trials, and triumphs. Small victories and big victories. Exhaustion and elation. Deep pain that left holes just the right size for God to pour in comfort and peace that can only come from Him.
And through God’s mercy, grace, and loving-kindness, He brought the family that will one day adopt Viktors to contact me the night before he was to depart. Within one week of Viktors returning to Latvia, this family had received confirmation that they were to be His forever family.
And so the story of Viktors didn’t end when he returned to Latvia. It was only the beginning.
A boy forgotten in the eyes of the world has not been forgotten by God.
In the wee hours of a June morning, he arrived again. His 3rd trip to America with New Horizons for Children. Lord willing, this will be his last hosting.
And this new mama to him. Well. It’s hard to articulate. She’s something else. This mama who has loved him for 6 months while waiting for him. This mama who knows he is one of hers. This mama who must fight the insecurities that creep in wondering if he will love her like he loved his past 2 host moms (and he will no doubt). Would you believe she brought a picture of me to the airport and showed him when she introduced him to my sister, who happened to be at the same airport picking up her host daughter. What a picture of selflessness. What a picture of true love. A desire to comfort her soon to be son. By showing him my picture, she was bringing familiarity to him. Comfort when he was nervous and uncertain. Oh how he will love this mama, who thinks of others before herself.
She gets it. She gets him. She sees the hurt buried deep inside his heart.
Eagerly, I’m checking Facebook to see what she has posted. What they are doing. What they are experiencing. Questions run through my head constantly. Are they bonding? Is he pouting? Does she see what I saw in him? Yet I know. I know. I know the answers. Because I know the One who orchestrated this entire scenario. I know the One who chose the players to play the parts. I know that it will all work out according to His good purposes. So we trust.
As if she knows how I must be feeling, she calls. She calls to tell me everything is going just fine. She loves him. They all love him.
This hosting season, I watch from the sidelines the families in the trenches. I’m following the stories of the families. I’m cheering on their successes. I’m grieving in their disappointments. And I’m praising God that He has brought forward so many families willing to open their hearts and homes to children in desperate need of some love.