One Surreal Moment
My earliest memories involved books. Reading was the only thing I ever really wanted to do as a kid. My parents would force me to go outside to play. Even when they forced me outside, I would usually grab a book. And read.
Reading was more than a hobby. It provided a means of escape during the early years of my parents’ divorce. I could escape into another world that seemed more secure than mine.
When I was in kindergarten, I tried to check out a book the librarian told me was too advanced for me to read. I was so upset because I really wanted to read that book. I went home upset because the librarian didn’t believe that I could read it. So my mom spoke to the librarian and assured her the book wouldn’t frustrate me. Marathon Miranda. I took it home, devoured it, and my love of books continued to flourish.
Around 1st or 2nd grade I developed an interest in writing. I thought to have a book in the library you simply wrote it and handed it to the librarian. An instant published author. So I wrote my first “book”. It was titled Red Light, Green Light. 4 red construction sheet stapled pages with 4 simple sentences and elementary drawings.
“I wrote this book. Can you put it in the library so other kids can read it?”
The librarian took that book from me, praised my work, and said she would be sure to take care of it. Well, each week I would scour the shelves looking for “Red Light, Green Light.” Week after week I asked the librarian if it would be on the shelves soon. Eventually, I quit asking.
Fast forward about 27ish years. During my morning quiet time with God 4 1/2 years ago, I had an idea for a book. For 4 1/2 years, I have worked on this project, prayed about this book and how I want it to impact families for Christ.
And on Good Friday I stood in the middle of a store with my boys, my mom and my step dad, when I pulled out my phone to check the dinging of an email. When I read these words, I cried in the middle of the store.
Thank you for allowing us to review your manuscript. After careful consideration, we would like to offer a publishing contract for this work.”
Surreal. Simply surreal.
And today I signed the contract!
I have so much to tell about this story. The amazing work of God. His undeniable hand in every facet of this. His timing. Oh the timing. He had to make me wait 4 years. There was too much sanctifying work to be done. And still is!!! I can’t wait to share the rest over the next several weeks and months.
And of course this isn’t the destination. It’s only just beginning. As a trusted friend and advisor recently reminded me…this is simply a fork in the road leading me further down the path God has planned. It’s only the beginning.