Day 12: Do You Dare?
“God, make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.” Ruby Dee
Would you dare to challenge yourself today? Would you take one small step out of your comfort zone today?
Could today be the day you pick up the phone and begin the process of healing old wounds? Could today be the day you choose to show love to someone who is difficult to love? Could today be the day you face a fear head on that is holding you back from God’s best? Could today be the day you let go of something that provides “security”? Could today be the day you risk your heart? Could today be the day you start that new project or venture you feel God leading you to but don’t feel you are capable of doing?
Could today be the day you take a step out of your comfort zone and watch what God does?
[box] This is Day 12 in a series, 31 Days to Get Uncomfortable With God. Please click here for a listing of all posts in this series. If you would like posts delivered to your inbox, please click here.[/box]

I’m in Renee……today I will forgo my comfy chair and all the great College football games and help you around the house. I finally get…….just took 12 days!
Ha Ha! Awesome. Who knew when I started writing this series it would bring about THAT kind of discomfort. But I’ll take it 🙂