Day 18: Radical is Pretty Uncomfortable
Radical by David Platt:
“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
“So when you and I hear staggering numbers and statistics about the poor and needy around us and around the world, we have a choice. We can switch the channels on our mega-tvs and continue our comfortable, untroubled, ordinary, church going lives as if the global poor don’t exist. We can let these numbers remain cold, distant, and almost imaginary. Or we can open our eyes and our lives to the realities that surround us and begin considering the faces that are represented by these numbers.”
David Platt brings a convicting message in his book Radical. Only read this book if you are ready for an awakening. But please do read it. It’s an uncomfortable read for most of us Americans. But the message is crucial.
The orphan crisis is a crisis. It’s uncomfortable for sure. And when you enter this world, you may well never be the same.
If you are new here, let me catch you up. Our family hosted an orphan through New Horizons for Children last Christmas. Our family will never be the same- for which we are grateful. I will have more to follow in the coming days. Now, I’m an advocate for NHFC and desire to bring awareness to the crisis and how we can all take a part in impacting the lives of these forgotten children.
[box] This is Day 18 in a series, 31 Days to Get Uncomfortable With God. Please click here for a listing of all posts in this series. If you would like posts delivered to your inbox, please click here.[/box]

Radical is totally uncomfortable. But my husband and I were talking last night about something he heard on the radio, that obeying God is uncomfortable and TIRING but it is so fulfilling and peaceful. Amen to that. XO
I never thought about it being tiring, but that is very true. I guess that is why scripture encourages us to push forward and not quit the race!