Day 31: Jesus the Ultimate Picture of Discomfort
I started this series thinking my discomfort was in writing for 31 days on a topic that could eventually cause me great discomfort. Just naming it was uncomfortable. I went exploring with God.
You see it’s easy for me to say I want to get uncomfortable for His sake, but when I’m actually facing the choice to move or camp, I find I tend to camp when He’s saying pack up and move. I found that I like to move with Him when He lets me take my creature comforts along for the ride. “God, I want to join you, but first I need to pack my travel pillow, my extra change of clothes in case it’s colder than I expect, my extra layer of bedding to keep me nice and cozy, and a few things to keep me occupied along the ride.”
I discovered I was traveling my style, not God’s style. The desire was there. I realized I needed more than desire. Something was holding me back from moving to that uncomfortable place. Time and time again fear showed up. The what-if’s, the lack of answers, the lack of control. Fear.
God has so much to say on fear. Mainly it goes something like this “Fear Not!”
The ultimate summary of this series you will find hanging on the cross. Jesus did nothing comfortable. Nothing. Everything he did was so far outside the comfort zone it’s not even funny. He went to uncomfortable people. He came from Heaven – the ultimate comfortable place- to be here on earth. And for what? To die! What’s more uncomfortable than dying? Maybe dying on a cross. And why? Because He loves me. He loves me so passionately He would lose His life so I can have life.
If my God can hang on a cross, willingly, for me then who am I to stay comfortable? Who am I to decide comfort is where I need to be?
This 31 day journey has opened my eyes and I pray you have seen God in fresh new ways as you’ve explored where He is calling you. Each of our journeys looks different, but there is one common theme. He loves us. And He wants to use us to bring glory to Him. He is God- and there is none other.
[box] This is Day 31 in a series, 31 Days to Get Uncomfortable With God. Please click here for a listing of all posts in this series. If you would like posts delivered to your inbox, please click here.[/box]

Thanks Renee!
I found your blog today through Instagram and enjoyed reading through your 31 Day challenge. You’ve inspired me! Getting uncomfortable for all to witness is brave work. I look forward to reading more ????
Hi Stephanie! So glad you found my blog and glad it inspired you!!!