How to Remember So We Can Forget
I kept my hands at 10 and 2, focusing hard on the road ahead. They can work out their own bickering. I will focus on the road; let them deal with their own issues.
“I’m not Andrew today. I’m Dudey,” he piped in adding to the banter flying across the back seats. Glancing at my rearview mirror, I matched his twinkling eyes. “And I’m not Mommy. I’m Rudy.”
Nose scrunched upwards, his baby blues squinted closed that ever-present twinkle. “He-he-he,” a little whisper escaped.
“And Jacob isn’t Jacob. He’s….Pooty,” I added hoping to distract the others from their arguing.
“Hey! I’m not Pooty. I’m not playing along anyway,” Jacob chuckled. “Besides, that is Zachary’s name.”
I’d forgotten. How had I forgotten that? It was only 4 or 5 years ago.
“Awwww! Yes! Pooty!! Zachary, remember when Jacob nicknamed you Pooty?”
His eyes darted right as he gazed at the trees whizzing by. “Yes,” he said softly, sweetly.
Remembering. It can stop us in our tracks. It can change the moment completely.
“Zachary, what did you call Jacob?” I knew it. I wondered if they did.
Jacob wasted no time. “Bubba!”
“Aw, yes. Bubba. Zachary, I remember you standing on the sidelines of Jacob’s soccer games screaming, ‘Go Bubba!!! Go Bubba!!’ ”
They all 3 began laughing. Then Jacob said, “I love him. Gosh, I love him.”
In an instant we were all taken back to a time of beloved, treasured memories. Going back took us out of the current moment, which was filled with disagreement and strife. We were transported to a time of encouragement and were reminded of how much we loved each other. The boys never finished their argument that day. Remembering had changed their perspective.
Sometimes remembering can help us forget. Remembering the past can help us forget the discomfort of the present.
I recently led a bible study at my home on One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. In one of the sessions she reminded us how the Israelites told stories to their children. She said something like, “Remembering is an act of thanksgiving. Gratitude is the memory of God’s heart. It shapes our trust in God’s heart.”
When I find myself in the valley, I love to look back on my prayer journal to remember the times on the mountain. To remember the countless ways He shows me His goodness, mercy, love, and faithfulness. When I remember the infinite ways He works in my life, my perspective of the moment can change in an instant.
Psalm 103:1-2 “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.”

Always enjoy your posts! I have One Thousand Gifts on my list to read 🙂
Thank you, Lori. 🙂 You will LOVE One Thousand Gifts. It’s a s.l.o.w read. Read it when you aren’t in a hurry to move onto another book. Too much to chew on. Hope your summer has been great!