Day 13: Is it time to camp or travel?
The journey of the Israelites out of Egypt is simply captivating. So much can be unpacked here. Moving outside the comfort zone is a theme that flashes like a neon sign.
Numbers 9:15-23
23 “So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses.”
I want to be that open. Tell me to move. I’ll move. Tell me to stay. I’ll stay.
Although the Isrealites lived in uncomfortable living conditions as slaves for 400 years in Egypt, it was all they knew. Even the discomfort of life can become a source of comfort. It’s familiar- which can make us feel accepted.
I want to camp when the Lord tells me to camp. And if He wakes me in the most uncomfortable of times and places, I want to pack up and follow Him. I want to. Want is not enough to act. I need courage. Courage that comes only from Him.
Lord, give me the courage I need on a daily basis to stop when you stop and to go when you go. Give me the courage to camp when you say camp and pack up when you say leave. Give me courage to leave what I prefer and follow what You know is best. Give me courage.
[box] This is Day 13 in a series, 31 Days to Get Uncomfortable With God. Please click here for a listing of all posts in this series. If you would like posts delivered to your inbox, please click here.[/box]

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