Day 10: Happy 10th Birthday Jacob


Dear Jacob,

Your birthday happens to fall in the middle of my 31 day series on getting uncomfortable with God.  You don’t fit in this topic.  In fact, I can think of all the ways you make my life more comfortable.

You see, I get you.  And that brings me comfort.

Where did a decade go so quickly?  Will the next decade follow the same pace?  Please, Lord, let it not.  The moments I have with you give such meaning to the ordinary of life.

You have a beautiful soul.  The Lord has greatly blessed you, don’t ever take a moment or a gift for granted.  It all comes from His hands.  Every good thing, every bad thing that He will turn to good.  It’s all a gift from Him.

As you enter this next decade, you will be challenged in greater ways.  The Lord grows us through trials and challenges.  Face each one with thanksgiving.  That probably doesn’t make sense to a 10-year-old.  Tuck that one away and ask the Lord to let it penetrate.

You are so many things this world desires.  You are loyal, such a loyal, loyal friend.  You are tender-hearted.  You are a deep thinker.  You are courageous.  You are a lover of God’s people.

You are easy.  Oh my dear, you are easy.  You are easy to parent, you are easy to live with, you are easy to be friends with.  Yet you aren’t a pleaser.  You just have a sweet, easy spirit that makes being with you a comfortable joy.

You move at a pace that is slower than I like.  I’m constantly telling you to hurry up.  For that, I’m sorry.  Your speed is a reminder to me that life needs to be turned down a notch.  Hey, is that how I can slow this next decade?  I think I’ll give it a try.

We love you.  We say these words repeatedly, but soak in them.  You are unconditionally loved. You haven’t earned our love.  You haven’t earned God’s love.  Yet you are loved.

Cling to this in your double digit years.  You are deeply loved.  You are accepted.  God is always faithful and good, and His love endures FOREVER.

Thank you for blessing our lives for 10 beautiful years.  We pray God’s blessing on you as you enter a new year.

Happy Birthday, sweet Jacob.

[box] This is Day 10 in a series, 31 Days to Get Uncomfortable With God. Please click here for a listing of all posts in this series. If you would like posts delivered to your inbox, please click here.[/box]

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