Why Does God Warn Us?
It took me several weeks to become acclimated to the buttons and functions of my new car. Most of the time, I could figure out fairly quickly where something was or what it meant. Except this one red light and beeping noise that seemed to go off at random with no rhyme or reason.
At various speeds, my car would beep 3 times and flash a warning that read FCW. The first few times, I questioned and wondered. The next few times I became agitated. Then I got to a point of ignoring. I’d accepted the fact that I didn’t understand it and likely wouldn’t.
Eventually, I did pull out the owners manual to attempt to solve the mystery.
FCW – forward crash warning. The car detected my speed and the distance of the cars around me to warn me of possible dangers. The car knew what I failed to see – danger was just ahead.
Join me at Lift Up Your Day for the rest of today’s post.
In His goodness and mercy, God used the writing of this post to alert me just prior to 2 major warnings He sent my way. I wrote and submitted my post. Within minutes, I received a phone call, which later I realized was a giant warning from God. Two days later, another warning came.
God will never stop protecting us because of His great love of us. We are wise to take His warnings seriously.
Please hop over to Lift Up Your Day!
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