Entries by Renee

Grow in Discernment, Maturity, & Faith

Grow in Discernment You may find yourself needing more encouragement this week. I pray these mini-devotions will help you cast your gaze upon the Lord. He is good. “You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” 1 Thes 5:5 Therefore, […]

When you are battered by the waves and the wind is against you

What are you facing today that feels impossible? Is something scary, overwhelming, sad, or unfair? Are you in your boat with the wind against you battered by the waves? If so, I have some encouragement for you. In Mark 6:45-52 the disciples were in a boat in the middle of the sea. “He saw them […]

What we need in a darkening world

The world feels darker by the day as chaos and confusion increase. We are desperate for light. The world moans for hope. What can we expect in the coming days, weeks, months, and years?

According to the Bible, we can expect the days to become darker. At the same time, the light within us will not dim when we are illuminated by God. The darker the world, the brighter our lights shine.

Join me for today’s post.

Those Were the Days – But So Are These

Fingers splayed wide, he placed both palms on the microwave door, which he used as a wall for his standing push-ups “Jacob, please! The handprints!” The moment the words escaped my lips, I saw this now 17-year-old as the little, sticky-fingered toddler setting his marks on any shiny surface he could find. Those handprints I’d […]

Do you want the bad news or the good news?

Every day the media takes an opportunity to stir up our outrage. Hate. It’s all over the news. Every crime they paint with the brush of hate. They tell us something must change. The hashtags begin calling for a movement of ending hate.

My heart breaks over hate. But my heart also breaks over the idol of social justice and the lack of truth being spread from the mouths of the ones who have the answer for the cries of the human heart.

Conspiracy Captive to Prisoner of Hope

Conspiracies abound.

The era is upon us where anyone can make a video or post of anything they want. Many of these claim a special knowledge from God or a secret insider knowledge they want to enlighten the world with. This knowledge becomes both captivating and addictive. Thus, we must fine tune our discernment radars.

After the inauguration, I began to see videos circulating claiming “It’s not over yet.” Looking back over the past several months, I noticed a similar theme running through social media threads. Conspiracies and internet rumors about the pandemic, child pornography rings, child sacrifices, political party coups, and the list goes on. My intrigue was piqued because I saw something within the human heart worth exploring.

Join me for a today’s full post where I share how to have hope and peace in a world filled with mysteries and conspiracies.