Entries by Renee

The Power of the 20 Second Hug

It was the days leading up to school beginning. Nerves were being stepped on by offenders at least 18 times an hour. Tones changed as impatience and irritability tried to move in. Words escaped lips that left divots in hearts. Eyes rolled and sighs exhaled. We were all tired. And just a tad bit anxious […]

Why Does God Warn Us?

It took me several weeks to become acclimated to the buttons and functions of my new car. Most of the time, I could figure out fairly quickly where something was or what it meant. Except this one red light and beeping noise that seemed to go off at random with no rhyme or reason. At […]

We Can’t Say We Didn’t Know

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been sickened, as I’m sure you have, over the videos released exposing Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. I could write my own rant here, but others have already done that and done it amazingly well. I highly recommend reading Matt Walsh’s blog on this issue. He sugar coats […]

Our summer recap

Summer is an interesting mix of a lot of nothing and a lot of everything. Incredible growth tangled with a holding onto what we’ve always known. I thought it would be fun to share with you a little of what the last 3 months have looked like for us. Almost zero writing for me, but […]

What Happens When Our Freedom Is Lost?

Steve turns 40 this year, and I follow suit next year. In January, Steve decided it was time we take healthy eating and living to new levels. It wasn’t long that we were feeling better than we’d ever felt in our lives. The change was exciting and invigorating….when it was my choice to change. Fast […]