Entries by Renee

Serving the World is Easy

  As I waited in line for my premium priced mocha, I noticed a basket on the floor with a sign that read, “End domestic violence.  Donate a roll of paper towels.”  My first thought was outrage that the coffee shop actually believed something as evil as domestic violence could be ended with paper towels.  […]

Expectations of the Season

“I can’t watch Frosty.  I’m a big kid now.” I looked at my 5 year old and replied, “Well, I’m a big kid and I still love to watch Frosty.”  I felt this tiny twinge in my heart when he uttered these words.  A twinge that reminded me times are changing.  They are growing and […]

The Christmas Magic of Faith

“Maybe Christmas“, he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.” “Maybe Christmas… perhaps… means a little bit more!” Dr. Seuss When I was 4, I discovered a picture that led to me to ask my parents the question that all parents hope they won’t have to answer for many years.  Is Santa real? Having decided early on […]

The Blessing of You

After a full fall schedule, I sit here with few words.  Seeking Christmas released the last week of August, and I haven’t stopped until this week.  My last official event took place Thursday and Friday, so now I breathe. The Lord has challenged me, encouraged me, and sustained me.  And He has blessed me wildly. […]

Room in the inn of our heart

The innkeeper hears the knock at the door.  The long awaited guest has arrived.  He comes every year.  Quietly he knocks and waits to be invited in. The innkeeper rushes to the door, opening wide while the wind rushes in.  He hugs the guest, takes his coat and welcomes him inside. “Please make yourself at […]

When You Go Looking for a Good Fight

Proverbs 15:1 A harsh word stirs up anger, but a gentle answer turns away wrath. I was over it.  Exhausted.  7 days of constant activity and commitments, traveling twice within just days, a house in disarray.  And a mama in need of rest. I surveyed the disaster surrounding me.  In an effort to make their […]