Money Moments
One of my hopes is to create as many moments with my children as I possibly can. Moments will come in all different shapes and sizes. Some moments are spontaneous, fleeting, or purely for fun. Other moments will be more monumental and even life changing. And still other moments provide opportunities for life lessons to […]
Shreds of Life
Beloved security blanket, Boppy, passed down from Jacob to Andrew. Boppy has provided a constant source of comfort, security, and love to two of my children. Boppy has stories to tell. Stories of skinned knees and hurt feelings, failures and victories, dark, frightened nights and the comfort of dawn. Birthday candles blown out, first days of preschool, learning to […]
How technology can threaten our moments
In 2008 we moved from Atlanta to Virginia. Talk about a culture change. Fast-paced city life to tractor-speed rural life. Time slowed. Drastically. My friends back home were shocked at how quickly I embraced our new life. One of the primary reasons I fell in love with Virginia was that for the first time I […]
How to Store and Organize Photos
Life is happening. You are creating special moments with your family. Memories are forming. Traditions are becoming deeply rooted into your family. All the while you are snapping away photos trying to preserve all you can of the moments and memories your family is living out. Before you know it, you find yourself overwhelmed at […]
A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Way
“Jacob, you will be the best dad one day,” my Zachary said to his older brother. With a sheepish smile, Jacob looked back at him and asked, “Why would you say that?” Zachary’s reply, so sweet and genuine, “Because you are so responsible.” Zachary was referring to how his older brother, cautious by his first-borne […]