Shreds of Life
Beloved security blanket, Boppy, passed down from Jacob to Andrew. Boppy has provided a constant source of comfort, security, and love to two of my children.
Boppy has stories to tell. Stories of skinned knees and hurt feelings, failures and victories, dark, frightened nights and the comfort of dawn. Birthday candles blown out, first days of preschool, learning to ride a bike, learning to go potty. Boppy has wiped away tears and soaked up the laughter. Experiences shared together. Moments abounded. Together. Bonded.
As moments are created, something is left behind. A piece of something bigger.
A memory engraved into the heart and mind. A memory that will create a bond.
Life is lived, seasons pass, all the while, we are evolving, changing, growing. The change is gradual, almost undetected on a day-to-day basis.
Until one day we pause to take note. Suddenly, we see the beauty that has emerged.
The beauty of a life lived fully, intensely giving and receiving love.
And when they outgrow their Boppy, they still need a Boppy. One that leaves a shred behind every single day. Yet is held together by those knotted shreds One that is always there when they need us. One that will change with them as they change, yet loving them unconditionally, never changing that. One that is irreplaceable.
When they receive this from us, they are more able to receive it from the One who created them to begin with. The One whose love is unchanging. The one who brings the dawn to light up their scary nights. The One who wipes away their tears. The One who rejoices in their triumphs and cries with them in their failures. The One whose shreds will never disappear.

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[…] The crook of his arm still securing our faces together, he uses his other hand to hold onto his Boppy, his beloved security blanket, while he sucks his thumb. And he breathes deep. Mimicking my […]
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