Rise up, Don’t Crumple to Fear

Fear is more contagious than any virus. It’s deadly. It kills all that could be. So it’s time to kill the fear.

Fear is crippling. Fear is a liar. Fear is a bully. I hate fear because fear is born in the pit of hell.

Just as fear is contagious, I believe courage and hope are equally contagious. I hope after today you join me in spreading a message of courage in the face of fears running rampant in our world.

An easier parenting solution to the try hard life

I’m a fixer. When I see a problem, I go into fix mode. This quickly morphs into the try hard life, and before I can say grace, my independent spirit and self sufficiency pushes God aside. Thankfully, He’s patient and kind. Recently, we had a situation that required a family meeting. It was only after that meeting God showed us there was a better solution, a simpler way, and one that would remove the burden off our parenting shoulders and allow us to walk in freedom. Join me for today’s post where I share a story of God’s kindness as He offered to take back the burden we attempted to carry.

When the tears flow and you don’t know why, but then, you do.

Have you ever begun to cry and you can’t explain why exactly? Maybe you see something in nature that creates awe-induced tears. Or maybe like me, you sing during worship and find tears streaming though nothing happened or even went through your head. Sometimes His glory alone is all it takes to set free the tears waiting for their release.
There’s a song I hear, and no matter where I am, I cry. Certain lines create a reaction inside me I can’t control. My heart is tender, so tender to what these words communicate. I pray I will remain this tender to these words forever. Join me for today’s post (it’s a short one) where I share a bit of my heart and my love for Jesus.

Books I’ve Read in 2019 – Part 2

I read 30 books in 2019. Periodically, I post what I’ve read. Today is that post. All the books I’ve read in 2019. I don’t typically set reading goals, and I didn’t for 2019. However, I’m quite happy with my reading year. It was full of a variety of genres. Well, except fantasy….I just can’t. But for 2020 I am setting a goal of 100 books. I offered a fun challenge to my kids as well. Here’s to more reading and the dividends it will pay!

I’ll post on Instagram what I’m reading next so be sure to join me there as well. Join me for today’s post.

The value of both work and play – and why God told me to get back to work

I’ve been feeling in a bit of a funk these days. Restless, discontent, lacking gratitude, desire, and proper motivation. I’ve not wanted to be either productive or fun. Just blah. I knew I couldn’t stay here too long because it only grows deeper with time. I began praying and asking God to help. It didn’t make sense. I’m on “vacation”. I’m not stressed. What was happening? God brought me the answer. He literally met me right where I was, with my nose buried in a book. He told me what the problem was and what my next step should be.

Join me for today’s post where I share a story and hopefully help you when you face a season of discontentment and restlessness.

This is real love

When you think of Christmas, what are the first words that come to your mind? Go ahead, list them off. I’m guessing love found its way in your list.

The human heart was created by God to need love. We thrive when we feel loved. We feel dead when love lacks. A wilted plant raises to life when nurtured and cared for just as our souls are revived when we accept and receive love.

But what is love? The Bible tells us what real love is. As I read the verse recently, the line struck me. “This is real love….”

Join me for today’s post and ready your heart to allow real love to wash over you.