I’m giving myself permission to be unbusy
Busy doesn’t make us important. Busy steals our margin. Margin is necessary for a soul to breathe with ease, for a spirit to hear God speak, for a calendar open enough to accept a last minute invite from one who simply needs a friend to sit with.
How’s your margin these days? Are you plagued with all the “have-tos”? Do you feel guilty when you decline an invitation? Do you feel pressured to do all the things everyone else is doing? Do you wish you could slow down even for a short while?
Well, maybe you can. Seasons shift. They don’t stay forever. Join me for today’s post where I share how I began to sense God calling me back into a season of quiet.
Why starting with the end matters
I couldn’t fathom why my husband and son wanted to watch a recorded football game they’d watched intensely only the night before. I asked Andrew about it, and his answer spoke volumes to me about how I engage with my life on a day to day basis. I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Join me for the rest of today’s post on why starting with the end matters.
What God Really Promises vs What We Think He Promises
Have you ever expected one outcome only to receive something completely outside any and all expectations? Of course you have. We all have. That’s simply life. If we aren’t careful, we find ourselves discouraged or feeling abandoned by God. We may even think He’s failed in His promises. But He has never failed us and He never will.
As I began this post, it became something completely different than I’d intended to write. God changed my direction and flooded my mind with His Words. I yielded to Him and let Him direct today’s post. Maybe it was just for you today. I trust God has a good word for you today. He loves you more madly than you know.
Join me for today’s post as we ponder what we sometimes unknowingly believe God has promised compared to what He actually promises us.
When I Need a Spiritual Recharge Do I Remain or Flee?
Some of the “strengths” we rely on can be affronts to God. For me it shows up as an independent spirit and self-sufficiency. An “I’ve got this” attitude or a failure to ask for help because I can manage just fine. Inside something begins to decay. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Jesus tells us a simple secret that many of us fail to respond to in our culture that holds busy on a pedestal. Join me for today’s post where I share a story of seeking God and within moments the picture He showed me of how to recharge my spiritual life. And by spiritual life, I mean the very essence of our life.
One blip of a moment that showed why simple traditions matter
Isn’t it amazing how a single conversation, sentence, or moment can become such a beautiful turning point in your life? I’m sharing a story I shared 8 years ago but it’s worth repeating. It was foundational to creating a vision for our family when we didn’t even have kids yet. Looking back I’m so grateful for that moment 19 years ago. I had a conversation with one of my teens recently that brought this story back to mind. Join me for the rest of today’s post.
How to move from burned out to renewed energy
Are you burned out? Exhausted? Tired of the constant stream of information and the hum of social media? Worn out from everyday living? Soul heavy? Me too. So much so I cried out to God and He whispered back. He gave me the first step to finding rest. After I took the first step, He began speaking.
When I’m overwhelmed, I begin to shut down. I want to run away and hide. There’s a story in the Bible of a prophet who found himself exhausted and scared. He ran away to hide in a cave. I crave the cave. My soul wasn’t meant to carry all it absorbs each day. And when I don’t care for it well, I respond in flight.
As I hid in my cave, I wrote this post to share with you. As I wrote, God showed me what my soul needed most. Join me if you could use some encouragement for the journey you are on.