Expectations of the Season
“I can’t watch Frosty. I’m a big kid now.”
I looked at my 5 year old and replied, “Well, I’m a big kid and I still love to watch Frosty.” I felt this tiny twinge in my heart when he uttered these words. A twinge that reminded me times are changing. They are growing and each Christmas will have a different look to it.
(A few days earlier) “Hey guys y’all want to watch Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas?” Flashbacks of years of watching this movie to the point of reciting lines ran through my mind.
“No thanks, Mom.” I closed the movie case and tried to hide my face – afraid it would reveal the tiny twinge in my heart. The one that reminded me times are changing. They are growing and each Christmas will have a different look to it. The oldest piped in, “Mom, it’s just that we’ve seen it so much. That doesn’t hurt your feelings does it?”
“Of course not!” I didn’t lie. It didn’t hurt my feelings. He didn’t hurt my feelings. It’s just this darn little twinge.
I listened as my dad and step-mom discussed how it is pointless to decorate a tree when your children won’t be visiting at Christmas. Christmas looks different for them now. I felt this twinge in my heart. A twinge that reminded me times are changing. They are growing and each Christmas will have a different look to it.
And the Comforter of my soul whispered to that twinge, “Each Christmas may look different, but each Christmas holds the same truths. Celebrate the truths each Christmas and you will discover the true gifts of Christmas every year.”
Yes, expect to encounter the true gifts of Christmas despite how each season presents itself. Expect to encounter Him each season and celebrate the true gift.
Christmas is hope. Christmas is peace. Christmas is joy. Christmas is love.
And that little twinge loosened it’s grip.
Seeking Christmas is a 7 day family devotion that guides families into intentional times of worship and activities that focus on discovering the true meaning and gifts of Christmas. It holds the same truths for each family using it, but will look different in each home. Your family can create your own unique memories and experiences while Seeking Christmas together through guided devotions and activities.