How We Can End the War On Christmas Right Now
I’m ready to put it to bed. This idea of a war on Christmas. It’s only a war if we let it be a war.
Now, satan, he loves to watch us get in a tizzy over this holiday. A holiday that, by the way, we created.
We created Christmas. We are fighting the world to keep the Christmas tree and the words Merry Christmas. Jesus wasn’t born under a Christmas tree. He never declared we greet each other with Merry Christmas. We are fighting to keep ideas and traditions that I can’t for the life of me imagine Christ desiring us to fight for.
We are falling right into the hands of satan’s plans.
Christ can’t be removed from Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of His birth. Jesus overcame the world on the cross. John 16:33.
It’s impossible for the world to remove Christ. The world will try, the world is trying, the world will continue to try. But have you read to the end of Revelation?
The war will end. He wins. He won on the cross, but there is coming a day the entire world will know who wins. So why are we fighting over a holiday that celebrates His birth?
Instead of fighting against the world to keep Him in Christmas, we need to fight a different battle. We need to fight for the world that is blinded by the enemy. That’s where the true battle is waged.
It doesn’t matter if someone says Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. What matters is that whatever they say, we show love. We don’t scowl, cross our arms, stomp our feet, and huff ‘Merry Christmas’ as we storm away.
We don’t demand to have Christmas our way.
Pride demands to have its own way. Humility places love over the need to be right.
Jesus is the ultimate picture of humility. Lowered Himself to be born a baby to one day willingly hang on a cross. For us. So we could have eternity with Him.
He wasn’t born so that we could have Christmas adorned with trees, singing carols, decked out halls, and shouting Merry Christmas for the world to see. He was born to die so we could have eternity with Him.
Oh, church.
Is there a more humble birth than to be born to a common family, wrapped in swaddling cloths, placed in a manger because there was no room in the inn? When you are the Son of God!
Is there a more humble death than to hang on a cross and cry out to God to forgive them for they know not what they do??
It’s overwhelming.
Our humble Savior.
If we want to keep Christ in Christmas, it begins with taking the humble position. It’s not standing up straight and arguing to the world around us that this is our holiday and how dare they take it from us.
We are called to LOVE the world.
God is love.
If we want to keep Christ in Christmas, we love the world in a radical way.
If a company removes Merry Christmas, it means nothing. Not one single thing. Jesus never said this world would honor and adore Him. Why are we surprised?
We are fighting the wrong battle.
When a secular company doesn’t recognize Christ at Christmas, why are we aghast?
Love them. Love them. Love them.
Love wins.
We better love this world in such a radical way that they will come to know the One who gave His life for them.
Jesus was unconventional. Let’s follow Jesus. He never did things in the ways we would expect.
There is an enemy blinding our world. We must be the light. We are here for such a time as this. We can’t fall into the trap the rest of the world is falling into. Not at Christmas. Not at anytime.
Let’s rise up together. Then together, let’s sink. To that lowly position. The one that doesn’t demand to be heard, to be recognized, to be seen.
Christ doesn’t need us demanding Christmas trees and Merry Christmas greetings to make Him known.
They will know Him by our love.
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35
Let’s do it different this year. Let’s CHOOSE to not be offended. Let’s CHOOSE to show love. Let’s CHOOSE to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world rather than demand a Merry Christmas from them.
Maybe we take it a radical step further?
When the world races and fights to complete shopping lists, we stroll among them, be with them, but we serve them, we love on them. Let’s put ourselves in the middle of the chaos and shine a light. Smile, hold the door open, pick up the last item only to place it in their hands, wave them into that last parking spot and choose to walk the distance along the way chatting with others not so lucky in the parking lot.
Love them to smothering pieces. I believe love grows. I believe the more you love, the more you love.
I believe that when we ask God to help us to love others, He delights to say yes to that. But do we dare? Are we afraid, perhaps?
People often say be careful what you pray for. Yes, God delights to make our hearts bent to Him. If we ask Him to help us love others, watch out.
We never know how our small acts impact eternity. There is an actual war. If we had eyes to see what is happening in the spiritual world, I can’t imagine we wouldn’t fight a different fight. I believe we’d stop fighting the silly battles and we’d fight unconventionally. With love.
Merry Christmas. Season’s Greetings. Happy Holidays. Whichever you choose, say it from the heart, smother it in love, deliver it for Christ.
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[…] are fighting the wrong battle again. I wrote last week that we are fighting the wrong battle when it comes to Christmas. And we are fighting the wrong battle when it comes to evil in this […]
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