It takes weakness to experience God’s strength
Self-sufficiency. I’ve got this. I don’t need help. I will conquer this. Oh the pride.
Who likes to be weak & needy?
But that is right where we need to be to see the magnificent strength of our Savior.
He isn’t our Savior for salvation only, but also the daily battles, the moment by moment needs.
“My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is the LORD’s declaration. I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at My word.” Isaiah 66:2
You are loved beyond measure.
Lord, create in us a pure heart. Renew in us a steadfast spirit. We confess our pride which says we don’t need you. May we lower ourselves and look up and see our great need is a gift. Thank you that you meet our every single need. Amen.