Safe Watch and Phone Devices for Kids – 50% off
One thing I’m passionate about is protecting our kids from screen addiction and the dangers of the online world. Our job as parents is to protect our kids from known dangers. Over the last decade more information and studies have become available that show us how their brains are being rewired by screens and setting up addictive patterns that will carry into their adult years.
Parents face enormous pressure from their own kids to provide them smart devices like “all the other kids”. My encouragement to parents is to HOLD THE LINE. Do not cave to peer pressure.
Gabb Wireless is a company I’ve become so grateful for. We have owned several Gabb phones and now Andrew has a Gabb watch.
Talk, text, GPS is all we wanted. No social media. No apps. No internet access. Our kids and young teens don’t need to be connected 24/7 to the outside world. They need to be kids and be free.
As adults many of us feel we are no longer free. We feel trapped and owned by our devices. The struggle is very real. Our kids don’t have fully developed brains yet. If we as adults struggle with our online consumption, how can we expect any different from our kids?
Gabb devices bridge the gap between not needing a device and the smart device world. It offers them a shallow end to wade in before jumping into the deep end.
I only share with you what I love. You know that by now. If I wouldn’t put it in my kids’ hands, I wouldn’t tell you about it.
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