Chores, A Tradition? Part Two
Today’s post is a follow-up to the previous post, Chores, A Tradition? Part One.
I mentioned that we have started and stopped many different chore systems in our home. We have used chore charts, we have used online chore sites, we have used the index card system. You name it, we have likely tried it. Each system seems to work great for a time, then gradually fades away until we are back to me doing the bulk of the work. I also mentioned that one reason our systems didn’t last long had to do with the fact that we assigned chores that would go unnoticed if not completed. Or they were so small, I would just do it myself rather than call the boys back to complete the job. No one wins this way. The kids weren’t being trained to do a job completely, their work ethic was not being developed the way we would hope, and quite frankly, I found myself bitterly muttering, “Why am I constantly cleaning up after everyone in this house?”
Raise your hand if you like a nagging wife or mom? That is what I thought. Who wants to be around someone like that? I didn’t like to hear myself sound like that. Nagging is not known to create family harmony.
So here is what we came up with:
- Using library card style envelopes, I labeled each one with a child’s name.
- Next I tacked them to our organization wall, aka family command center.
- Using popsicle sticks, we labeled chores to each one. (My crafty friends are cringing right now. I’m more about efficiency and getting the job done than how things look. That’s why there is chocolate and vanilla, right? If you prefer a more crafty look, these chore craft sticks are all over Pinterest. Some very elaborate ones that I just didn’t have time to create. Ours seem to get the job done just fine.) We have actually added more chores to these sticks, which do not include their personal hygiene chores.
- Taking turns the boys chose their chore stick until all chores were assigned.
- Once they had all their sticks, they placed them in their assigned envelopes (just in case they forgot throughout the week whose chore belonged to who)
For now, it works. Let’s see if we can make this one last!