A Wonder-filled Life in Christ

I had the honor of speaking at the Blessed Christian Women’s Event recently. Five speakers were given a theme verse. Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well.”
As I prayed about what God would have me share, He drew my attention to four key words at the beginning of that verse. I.Praise.You.Because.
God has been stirring the word ‘wonder’ in my soul. I wondered why. He showed me. And layer upon layer He revealed to me to a secret weapon to confuse the enemy. A secret to seeing God at work in a million ways in my life. And it fills me with wonder, which I share in my talk, actually does something to our bodies that brings healing. How like God.
When God invites me to share a message from His Word, He leads me to walk through it in my life many times before and after. I often feel these invitations to speak are God’s sweet intimate invitations to me to dig deep with Him. I walk away from these events in awe of who He is.
I’m linking my talk from the conference here.
Renee Robinson – Blessed Women’s Event
I begin at about the 1:19 mark and speak until about 2:02 mark.
I pray you have a blessed weekend. May God fill your soul with wonder.
As we approach the holiday season, I pray you take time to sit with Jesus. Before the hustle and bustle, above the shouts of the world, I pray you would carve out secret space where He can speak to you.
I invite you to download Illuminate – Seeing God by the Light of His Word. It’s a 14 day audio devotion centered around seeing God for who He is. I hope it’s 10 minutes a day for 14 days of experiencing awe and wonder for the God who created you and loves you like crazy.
Now available for $5.00!! You receive 14 days of audio, which includes the pdf version as well.