How to literally rest on the Word of God
May we rest on the very Word of God, turning our attention and affection to Him, the Alpha and Omega, with the first and last of our day.
Did you read yesterday’s post? If not, read it before today’s post.
So I told you my big news yesterday, but I promised to tell a little more today.
My favorite item in my shop right now is the scripture pillowcase. A place to literally, physically rest on the Word of God.
The Story of the Instruct Me While Sleep Scripture Pillowcases

When my youngest son was a little guy, we often found him asleep with his head on his Bible or the Bible laid over his chest or wrapped in his arms. It was as if he knew how desperately he needed the Word of God near him always.
My scripture pillowcases were born out of a desire to give my son something a little softer for his head while reminding him of the nearness of God.
I found myself praying over my children at night, “God, instruct their hearts with truth even as they sleep.”
I based this prayer on Psalm 16:7 “I will praise the LORD who counsels me– even at night my conscience instructs me.”
I also found myself praying key verses to help them rest into sleep. So I’d post sticky notes on their beds, nightstands, and doors.
I created a scripture pillowcase for one of my sons when he faced a particularly challenging season. That pillow became a prized possession of his.
These scripture pillows are now a staple in our home and a reminder of the One who holds us and protects every minute of our day, even while we sleep.
My desire is to offer you a tool for training up your children in the way they should go while also creating something for you to enjoy as well!
Why Scripture Pillowcases?
-It’s prettier and longer lasting than post it notes with scripture on the headboard and nightstands.
-It reminds us to remember God.
-It aids in scripture memory.
-It helps us overcome fear as we place our focus on His Word.
-Because we face a long day of the world wearing us down. We need constant encouragement from God’s Word.
-It’s a fringe spot in the home to claim for intentional spiritual training grounds.
-Because scripture centers and transforms us. The more places we have it, the better off we are.
The Bottom Line
“Mom, why are you doing this business?”
“Because God instructs us to instruct our children with truth as we walk along the road, sit at home, as we rise up, and as we lie down. He tells us to put it on our doorposts. I’m taking God’s instruction to heart. This culture is filled with godlessness and I want to give families a practical way to use God’s Words in places that might be empty.”
“Mom, tell them that.”
I smiled. This conversation happened after I spent time reading and explaining all the information to them about my why. But my simple why is all he really wanted. And he reminded me it’s all you really want as well.
So the bottom line is this. Your home is full of fringe spots ready to be claimed. You lay your head on a pillow every night. It’s the first and the last thing your eyes see. So why not have God’s Word right there?
May we rest on the very Word of God, turning our attention and affection to Him, the Alpha and Omega, with the first and last of our day.