Viktors dancing


Since this journey has caused my readers so many tears, I thought it fitting to share this video.

Viktors loves to dance. His preference is rap. Since he doesn’t know the difference, I usually put on Christian rap for him. However in my car the only option is contemporary Christian. He’s learned to move to it just fine I’d say.

This is how they do it in Eastern Europe.

P.S.  Hear the impatient 4 year old chirping in the background?  He wanted his turn quickly.  I was driving down our street at a snails pace while videoing 🙂

Enjoy!  Really do hope this brings a chuckle to you.  Tomorrow’s post I can’t promise will do the same!

7 replies
  1. Cassie Gibietis
    Cassie Gibietis says:

    Wow, how fitting that the song playing is about loving the least of these! You have been so Christ-like to Viktors. My husband’s family is from Latvia, so Viktors’ journey really touched my heart all that much more. I am so glad you shared your story in the River Talk magazine so that I was able to come across it.

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