What I Learned in September
I’m linking up to Chatting At The Sky today with a list of what I learned in September.
I like this idea for the simple reason that I can make this an intentional way of learning a little bit more about myself….and the world around me. It forces me to stop and think back on the month or plan forward for what I will learn ahead. And it’s just fun. I need fun. And I’m really quirky, so this fits well with me.
In no particular order…
- I can’t bring myself to use hashtags. I’ve tried and they get deleted. Just can’t do it. And I have a hard time reading things posted that have so many hashtags. Why do we use them? I’m always on the late end of discovery, so maybe I’ve missed something here. But what does everyone do with the hashtags?
- Mumford & Sons does not sing the Olympic song. WHAT? This should not surprise my close friends and family that I would make such a grave pop culture mistake.
- I’m more removed from pop culture than I realized. Reference #2 above. When a friend referenced someone I guess I should know, she saw the blank look on my face and the conversation stopped. Yes, I’m a lot of fun to talk to if it’s lighter, fun topics. 🙂
- Some memories need to be left in the memory banks. On a recent date night, Steve and I pulled up some fun 90’s music videos to stroll down memory lane. Tiffany, Belinda Carlisle, and my all time favorite NKOTB. My face actually turned red as I watched in complete embarrassment for myself….and for the performers. I wish those music memories had stayed in my mind. Just not the same 25 years later.
- Shopping is not my friend. Neither is family picture planning. I had a friend bail me out by taking me shopping TWICE to coordinate clothes for my family picture this weekend. I’m fashion challenged. Again, this is no surprise to those closest to me. They help me out a lot here. Thank you, Lord, for sending me fashion friendly friends.
- Some transitions just sneak up on me. Andrew graduated out of the “nursery” area at church this month. For the first time in a decade we don’t have a child in the nursery! I went to the pumpkin patch with Andrew on his first field trip today. He’s in K-4. It’s the first time since I’ve had school-aged kids that I didn’t have a stroller or small child with me or that I needed to arrange babysitting for. I was there with that child! And how glorious it was. I had no idea how freeing and wonderful it would be to just be there with him and enjoy it. Heavenly.
- Toby Mac’s song “Eye on it” can increase your pace a good minute per mile. It’s true. Please try it. Just put it on repeat and you will run 5 miles in record time.
- Speaking of Toby Mac- I am now a fan thanks to my children who listen to the cd over and over and over again. They can sing every single word. To every song. And now so can I. I never knew I liked Toby Mac. I think his music makes me feel hip. (Do you notice a pattern in this September list?)
- I miss buying CDs. If I have bought music, I’ve bought downloads. For Zachary’s 8th birthday I bought him his first CD. All for him. Toby Mac (wow Toby took 3 of the 9 spots on my list this month). I’ve forgotten how fun it is to buy a whole album (is that the word we still use?) and discover new songs that haven’t made it to the radio.
And that is all. Except it’s not all. September was a huge month for our family with the release of my first book. Thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy and for your sweet words of encouragement during this new phase!
This is the fun and quirky stuff I learned. Now you know a little more about my nerdy side.
Come back Monday when I will begin a 31 day series for the month of October linking up to The Nester.

Thanks for the Toby Mac tip. I have been running to the same playlist for YEARS! I need some fresh new sounds.
I personally still love Reliant K. I can never get tired of them when it comes to music to keep me going. “Bite my tongue” and “Come right out and Say It” LOVE! They are fast, so I use them for my speed work.’
I’ve enjoyed browsing around your blog.
Thanks for the Toby Mac tip. I have been running to the same playlist for YEARS! I need some fresh new sounds.
I personally still love Reliant K. I can never get tired of them when it comes to music to keep me going. “Bite my tongue” and “Come right out and Say It” LOVE! They are fast, so I use them for my speed work.’
I’ve enjoyed browsing around your blog.
Thanks for the Toby Mac tip. I have been running to the same playlist for YEARS! I need some fresh new sounds.
I personally still love Reliant K. I can never get tired of them when it comes to music to keep me going. “Bite my tongue” and “Come right out and Say It” LOVE! They are fast, so I use them for my speed work.’
I’ve enjoyed browsing around your blog.
So if you’re fashion challenged, what does one call herself who comes to you for fashion advice??? I guess I’m beyond help!!! 🙂
Thanks, Susan, for the music recommendations. I am always looking for something different to use. I used to listen to sermons and realized I would get so involved in listening, I was barely jogging by the end of my run!
Ha Ha! You are so not beyond help. Very funny though 🙂
I, too, have a problem with hashtags. I tried them in a tweet or two and then let it go. Have you seen Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake’s skit about hashtags? Look it up. It’s hilarious.
The first thing on my list has to do with pop culture and my ignorance of it. 😉
I’m a horrible clothes shopper. I wish I could try Stitch Fix so someone else could do it for me. You’re blessed to have a friend who will help you out.
And my name is Renee, so we have quite a bit in common.
How funny, Renee, that we have so many things in common! I would love Stitch Fix as well! I did see that Jimmy Fallon/Justin Timberlake skit and laughed out loud. I love it!
Our family is enjoying toby mac on our playlist courtesty of our son. I feel pop culturally challenged too so know you are not alone. Hope your family picture turned out to be what you wanted. Congrats on your new book.
Thank you! It’s good to know I’m not alone 🙂