A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Way
“Jacob, you will be the best dad one day,” my Zachary said to his older brother. With a sheepish smile, Jacob looked back at him and asked, “Why would you say that?” Zachary’s reply, so sweet and genuine, “Because you are so responsible.” Zachary was referring to how his older brother, cautious by his first-borne nature, seems always to keep an eye out for anyone around him. Just like a father. Just like both their earthly and their Heavenly Father does for them.
When Jacob sees his brothers in danger, he doesn’t hesitate to speak up or warn them away from their folly. On this particular day, Jacob was very concerned about Zachary’s safety and felt compelled to warn and explain to him why he was in danger.
Zachary spoke a simple statement to his brother. “You will be the best dad one day.” How easy was it for Zachary to speak those words? Words that are true. Words from the heart.
How often do we think encouraging thoughts yet fail to speak them? What power do we have to lift the spirits of someone we love?
Words have power.
Words of encouragement can take us from a state of withering away….
to a state of renewed life and energy.
I saw an immediate spark in Jacob’s eye. He actually looked taller. I realized he was proudly standing taller. Something good he holds inside was recognized by someone he loves and respects. And it was spoken out loud. It built him up. It edified him.
Proverbs 12:18 “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
As a parent we often become parched without realizing it. When someone we care about takes the time to encourage us, it makes all the difference in the world. We are renewed.
Several weeks ago I received the sweetest gift of encouragement from one of my closest friends. A friend I adore, respect, and love to pieces.
This is what she made me
and these are the words she wrote that renewed my wearied heart
Encourage someone today. They need it as much as you do. Encouraging them will create a moment that will in turn create multiple moments down the road.
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renee- this post made me cry. i’m so glad this little gift came on a day you were in need of a little pick-me-up. you are such a great mom- the boys are so lucky to have you and they know that 🙂 love you.
Thank you :). I love you too! And your kids are so blessed to have such a thoughtful and caring mom!