Entries by Renee

Who’s Stealing Your Joy?

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.” Psalm 51:12 Go back with me to the eve of Christmas Eve several years ago. The dark of night descended, all boys settled into the routines of bedtime. I escorted Andrew to his room for stories and snuggles. His open […]

When the Seasons Change. And When They Stay Too Long.

This is what I posted on Instagram last week that was too long to elaborate. “Today God showed me something about myself. I was startled when I heard Him. He’s gentle when He speaks, but the blow of His words still stung.

It’s far too long for Insta. It’s more of a blog post. But for the first time in 10 years I truly can’t find time to write. I’m sure eventually it will be a post.

And so I moan to God about that.

And He shows me something else.

Everywhere I turned I saw green grass, trees, plants. And I felt Him say “You noticed all of this after coming out of the winter season. You were grateful for the gift of color again. But now you are used to seeing it so you fail to notice what you first adored.”

Well, I am speechless. He is God. And I’m ever aware of His mercy and grace.

And all I want is to sit in His Presence.”
I made time to write. Or shall I say, God gifted me time to write. So here’s the full story. Join me for the rest of today’s post.

Those dreams where you find yourself naked on stage

In my dream I was the star role of a play. The lead. The first show was a smashing success. The 2nd show was one week later. I’d not rehearsed one single time in the entire week. We stood backstage, moments before the curtain went up. I panicked. “Wait! I can’t remember the opening line! What is my line?”

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. They were prepared and calm. I was not. My mind raced trying to recall that first line. “Just give me the first line and it’ll spark the rest. I have to get this right I mean the first time went perfect.”

They all continued looking at me.

I stopped and I prayed. “God, it’s you not me anyway. Please work through me and speak through me. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.” Then I fled to the bathroom with mere minutes left.

In one night I had 2 dreams that revealed much of what is going on in my heart. I wonder if you are facing similar situations. What makes you fearful?

Bringing these fears into the light send them back to the darkness where they belong. Join me for today’s post.

Do You Want To Get Well?

Have you ever considered why Jesus asked the man who needed healing in John 5 if he wanted to get well?
Well, I’m pondering this on the blog today.

My prayer is that you read understanding what I’m communicating. Healing is a sensitive subject. If you’ve never walked in the shoes of one praying for healing, you can’t possibly understand.

I’m not of the belief that a person who hasn’t received healing simply lacks faith. I’m also not of the belief that our sickness is an automatic indictment on sin in our lives. It’s much more complex. God can be glorified in both sickness and healing. And we live in a fallen world where the enemy roams. Ultimate healing comes when we step into our eternal home.

In our sickness and in our health, in our life and in our death, may we bring glory to God.

Today, I’m looking at the desires in our heart we may not know are lying dormant. I believe Jesus asked the man this question for a reason. He couldv’e simply healed him. And Jesus could heal me too. But there are “illnesses” I’ve not been healed from yet even after years of praying. This verse has me looking inside my own heart.

Nearly 5 Years Later – On A Letter to my Sons-The Real Reason I Say No To Electronics

Nearly 5 years after I wrote the first post I ever wrote that reached viral proportions, I look back realizing the decisions we’ve made regarding electronics were some of the biggest and best to date in our parenting journey. Hardest. Anti-cultural. But it is choosing a living life of moments over a zombied existence.

Today I wrote a post reflecting on this choice. Our kids have been placed in a social experiment and it’s our job to protect their souls.

If we are to feed His sheep, how does this look in this department? What feeds these sheep when they feast on a diet of screens?

Life is a collection of microscopic moments collected into a magnificent story. When we live and die by the screen, we never know what we missed along the way.

It’s time to pull our eyes higher. To let the Lord reflect from our face rather than the glow of a screen.

While this piece focuses on our kids, it’s safe to say it may be the parents who struggle as much.

We can do hard things! We really can. It’s ok to be different. We weren’t called to look like the world!