Entries by Renee

The most incredible pursuit I’ve ever witnessed

The guest house our mission team stayed in while in Haiti was strictly off limits to the kids. Kids swarmed the porch, but they never entered the house. They’d been well trained in their boundaries. After a full day of activity, many of us rested in the common area inside the guest house. The sounds […]

The Vision I Received Before Haiti

The Sunday before we left for Haiti, I was deeply moved during one of the worship songs. I bowed my head to pray and felt tears burning to escape. I opened my eyes slightly to release the pressure and felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. That’s when I saw this image of the eyes […]

Is God Really Enough?

In the months, weeks, and days leading up to Haiti, I prayed (and had many others praying) for protection from malaria transmitting mosquitos and all other health concerns related to traveling to a 3rd world country. I researched the threat of disease, the risks involved with medications and vaccines, weighed the pros and cons, and […]

Dear Moms- I dare you

Join me in The Mom Dare with my friend, Krista Gilbert over at Meaning in a Minute. Moms – You are the difference-makers. Change agents. Heroes. What you do every day – the hugging, working, teaching, organizing, praying, carpooling, cleaning, playing, laughing, crying, serving, and giving – it changes the world by deeply impacting those […]