Entries by Renee

Create An Intentional Christmas

The creaking chains of the bench swing played in rhythm to the steady pulse of the staple gun as I thumbed through a book. My dad worked at a consistent pace to secure the oversized, colorful bulbs to the roof. Hours later my sisters and I stood back to admire his labor. Each bulb a […]

God Bless Our Christmas

  I must start right out by telling you that Hannah Hall is my friend. Because of that, you may think my review below is biased, but really it’s not biased because…well, it’s just not, and you have to trust me. We’ve built that by now, haven’t we? In May I attended the Blue Ridge […]

Who Bears Your Burdens?

As I sit in the quiet of the morning, I’m thankful I don’t bear the weight of the burdens I carry. This verse is timely for me, as the past few days and weeks have felt more than I can bear. How about you? Can you relate? What burdens your heart today? I pray you […]

A Hands-On Way To Teach Children The True Meaning Of Christmas

    The green and red plastic totes from the attic made their annual appearance in the family room. Artificial garland peeked through the cracks of those worn boxes in need of replacing. Opening each one was like finding my favorite sweatshirt, coffee mug, and fuzzy blanket. Comfort and familiarity enveloped us. Treasures of memories […]

25 Advent Calendar Days Of Memories and Experiences

The Christmas season blows in hard doesn’t it?  We feel behind before it ever begins. When the season actually arrives…like right now, even though it’s only the beginning of November….if we aren’t intentional in our planning, we will find ourselves feeling little joy and much stress. We want to create memories for our families. But […]