Today I say goodbye to a dream
My job is not to make my kid’s struggle easier.
It’s tempting to rescue our kids from their struggle. We want to make the path smooth when what we should be doing is stepping back and praying their feet are toughened as they walk the rocky path and learn to trust in Christ alone to guide them. The worst parenting mistake I can make is the one where I elbow Christ out of the way and tell Him I’ll make everything the way I think it should be for my kid.
I wrote a post 7 years ago titled The Struggle with Struggle. A tree gains strength and endurance from the wind it’s exposed to. The same is true in our lives and those of our kids. It’s time we stop rescuing our kids and let those winds blow.
Join me for today’s post.
Books I’ve Read in 2019
I should really become more systematic with sharing posts about what I’ve read and am reading. It’s far too sporadic. Nonetheless, here’s a few books I’ve read since my last post Books I’ve Read This Year and Why We Read Aloud. Personal Growth/Non-Fiction/Christian Living Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf It’s […]
Which are you trusting more? Your faith or your fear?
We may not realize it, but we are making a choice in what we are trusting. Are we placing our faith in our faith? Or are we placing our faith in our fears? One way or another we have faith. It’s just a matter of where we place the faith. A divide exists between faith and fear. We stand in the space between the two and choose which direction to face. It doesn’t mean we won’t be scared. Read today’s post to determine where you stand in the space between faith and fear.
When God brings clarity to the path
Years ago God gave me a dream where He was telling me He was getting ready to give birth to something new in my life. I’ve loosely held that dream with curious wonder for all these years. I’m learning to live more freely surrendered. I’m learning to recognize resistance from fear more quickly. Today I’m sharing a bit of an update with you.
How do you handle when someone else gets what you want?
Have you worked so hard on a project only to watch someone else receive credit for the work hours you labored through?
Have you watched a co-worker receive a promotion you felt was undeserved? Maybe you wonder if the powers in charge realize how much time she wastes on Facebook on company time?
Jealousy and bitterness begin to grow.
I heard this quote recently. “Are you getting better or bitter?” Have you ever seen someone overcome by a life of bitterness? It’s not pretty. Join me for a story of a time God showed me how to step out of this cycle.