13 Ways We Can Protect Our Families Online Beyond Filters and Privacy Settings

Several years ago I received an email from a blog reader in response to a post I’d written regarding technology and our children.

Turns out she is a writer too. Both of us had a passion for our faith, families, and intentional living. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with Eryn’s heart shared through her blog. And now her debut book releases to the world. You will want to grab a copy.

I’m honored to have Eryn sharing her words and heart with us here today.


Guest post by Eryn Lynum for Renee Robinson


“Mom, she has a phone.” My six-year-old’s words gingerly broke into our dinner conversation. Although phones and technology are not a big discussion point in our home yet, with four children under the age of seven, he seemed to know that the topic holds weight. He continued carefully, “When will I be old enough to have a phone? When I’m ten?”

He was gazing out our back window to the next yard over, where the neighbor girl sat with her face aglow in the light of her cellphone.

“Well, Bud, it won’t be for quite a while, and not until Dad and I can teach you how to use it right. Phones can be dangerous.”

After offering him a light, two-minute spiel on how we can easily use a phone too much, including the confession that Daddy and I often fall into that trap ourselves, we moved on, but his question lingered in my mind.

Lately I have been thinking on a broader spectrum when it comes to my family’s safety regarding technology. My thoughts have welled over from concerns over my kids eventually holding smartphones in their own hands, to how I can protect them right now, through being intentional with what I myself post online. These concerns stem from a question I am asked on occasion: “Do you feel safe with posting photos and stories of your kids online?”

As a blogger and author, I share my family’s everyday antics with my readers, and by default the broader internet world. But when I hit “Publish”, it is not by default at all. Never do I hit publish without careful hesitation. It began at a writers’ conference a few years ago, while I was sitting under the teaching of one of my favorite authors as she spoke on the topic of memoir writing. One of her points struck me deeply, and it was this:

We must honor those in our story.

This is not only true for writers, of course. We are all living out our own stories, and sharing much of them with the online world. The characters in our stories happen to be those very dear to us.

In my case, my children can, in twenty years from now, pick my book up off the shelf and read very real stories of themselves as children. And so I must ask myself now, do I honor them? Do I respect them? Do I give them a good name? Do I protect them?

If we want to be intentional with our use of technology and in our families, then we all must ask these same questions as we share our photos, thoughts, every day antics, and stories on social media. We are not only telling our story, we are telling our family’s story. Won’t it be wonderful one day when our grown children respect us because we chose first to respect and protect them?

Here are three areas, above and beyond internet filters and privacy settings, where I believe we need to protect our children when it comes to technology.

Protecting their safety by:

  • Not posting photos of children in underwear or diapers (no matter how young)
  • Not posting bathtub photos, even if everything is covered up
  • Not posting photos that give away specific location details (we go so far as no house numbers, or places we visit or attend regularly)
  • We can also protect and respect other families by asking friends’ permission before we post photos that include their children, say, at a play date or birthday party.

Respecting our family and honoring our children by:

  • Not sharing stories that disrespect our child, or paint them in a distasteful light
  • Not sharing stories of their misbehavior without any redeeming qualities (I.E. Just to talk about how bad they are being…)
  • Not writing unkindly of someone in our family, near or far
  • Watching sarcasm. There is always a bit of truth in what is said (or written) with a sarcastic tone.

Modeling that tech is a tool, not a master

  • Modeling to them when to set the phone down. People in front of you are ALWAYS more important.
  • Teaching them that in the often dark online world, it can be good to share the beautiful pieces of life—but only to the extent that we don’t begin missing those beautiful moments themselves because our face is buried in a device.
  • Asking our child’s forgiveness now whenever we find ourselves too preoccupied with our technology
  • Helping them understand that giving technology its proper place in life will always be a struggle, but one worth fighting for.
  • Helping our children to fall in love with nature and the beautiful things of life that technology, in many ways, will never be able to replace.

Although it feels quite far away, before I know it, my son will hold his own smartphone for the first time. I pray that in that moment, my heart will not constrict with fear. Rather, I pray that I will stand confident in the lessons we prepared him with for that responsibility.

I pray that years from now looking back, I will know that we protected our family through small, intentional decisions. Tiny shifts in our own behavior, attitudes, and words hold magnificent power. This battle begins in our own hands, and what we choose to fill, or not fill them with. Let’s choose well today, for the sake of our child’s tomorrow.


Eryn Lynum is author of the book 936 Pennies: Discovering the Joy of Intentional Parenting. She lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and four children, where they spend their time hiking, camping, and exploring the Rocky Mountains. She loves to travel and share at conferences, churches, and writers’ groups. But every opportunity she gets, she is out exploring God’s creation with her family, and sharing the journey at www.936Pennies.com

You can connect with Eryn here:


How you can truly rest

“At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.”

Mark 15:33

It was gruesome, bloody, unfair. He was rejected by His own.

His silence speaks.

His eyes find mine. Right now. In this moment.

He wasn’t who they expected. It wasn’t how they imagined a Messiah. He didn’t fit their narrative.

They had ideas of the kind of king they wanted. It wasn’t Jesus.

Yet, He was and is I Am. And this infuriated the religious leaders.

Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”

“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.

“I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.

John 18:4-6

The ones who claimed to know God didn’t know God at all.

Today, I remember. I remember the sacrifice He made.

What God does flows from who He is.

The darkness couldn’t stay because the Light had come. God illuminated the darkness then and He illuminates today.

When I remember who God is, it changes how I see what He does.

May we begin the art of remembering who He really is. The world is working overtime to override what we know. So we make a choice to invest in remembrance.

Today, I remember the sacrifice He made because God is love. Offering His only Son flowed out of who He is. He is love. He is just. He is holy.

Remembering is changing me. It takes my eyes drawn into myself and points them up to Him. As I stand in awe of who He is, all my fears fade away, anxieties dissolve, insecurities vanish.

He is infinitely more than I know. I want to know Him more.

I’m hungry and thirsty.

And I know I’m not alone. I know there are some of you just like me. You desire to know Him deeper. You want more of Him.

So I’ve created a tool to help us learn to remember. It’s a daily practice of refocusing back on God. To His Word. I share stories and His Word. We reflect and contemplate. We pray. We seek. He changes us. He draws us close as we draw near to Him.

He’s ready to do a new thing in you. Will you allow Him?

Illuminate – Seeing God by the Light of His Word is a 14 day experience. It’s audio with transcript, slipped quietly into your inbox once a day for 14 days. It’s yours to keep, never expires. You can listen over and over again.

I’ve included a sample from Day 6 – I Am. I pray it blesses you.

You can purchase here.

For more information, click here.


How to not miss seeing God

The religious leaders who spent a lifetime studying God didn’t recognize Him when He stood right in front of their faces before Christ would die for our sins.

The people who worshiped Him as God, didn’t recognize Him as their eternal King and the Son of God when they shouted “Hosanna!”

It’s easy to view with a critical eye in hindsight. With a backward view, we see the full picture to the place we stand in the present. We see all the pieces fitting together that brought Jesus to where He stood the week of His crucifixion.

Jesus didn’t come the way man expected. Jesus wasn’t the picture the people envisioned of the Messiah. They missed God because He didn’t meet their personal expectations.

Father, let me not miss seeing You because You appear in a way I’ve not envisioned. Guard my heart and give sight to my eyes.

How often do I attempt to define God’s ways? How often do I place expectations on Him? How often do I question circumstances that seem to move in the opposite direction I want them to go?

Some of the ones crying out for a king wanted immediate relief from Roman rule. They couldn’t see eternally because they were so focused on the harsh brutality they walked in. While I can’t begin to imagine walking in the shoes of the people who lived when Jesus walked the earth, I can relate in how easily I place my focus on the here and now rather than eternity.

When I watch my children hurting, I want to fix it right away. I want to take away the pain and make their worlds right.

Jesus loves us with a love so pure, so holy, and so unconditional.  [Tweet “Jesus tipped this world upside down in order to right it.”]

The heart of God is love. A love so enormous it would go to an extreme no human mind could conjure up. A love so magnificent it would come in a way that seemed ridiculous. A baby in a manger. A man riding a donkey into the people who would nail Him to a cross within days.

In our personal walks with the Lord, we become disheartened when we don’t see faster results to our prayers. We begin to wonder if our prayers are being heard.

And if we are completely honest with ourselves, at times we convince ourselves we are trusting God, but our souls know better. Buried deeper in our hearts than we want to go, whispered lies from the enemy have found a secret hiding spot. They live in the dark places so they are hard to identify. They whisper in a low tone so as not to draw attention to themselves. When they surface, they retreat faster than they arose.

One of our pastors preached a sermon saying he has learned to change his question from “God, why are you allowing this?” to “God, what are you up to?”

I love that perspective. That question is full of trust and curiosity. It’s from a position of knowing the character of God and surrendering to His Lordship.

Today, may we choose a deeper level of surrender than we’ve yet offered.

May we surrender to the love of our King.

May we allow the truth of who He is cleanse the infections attacking the affections of our hearts.

May we humbly confess that we’ve attempted to define an undefinable God. We’ve expected Him to do a certain thing or appear in a certain way. Therefore, maybe we’ve at times missed Him while looking for the “Him” we created or imagined.

May we receive new sight today to see truth in order to worship in spirit and in truth.

May we quietly reflect this Holy Week on who God is by the light of His Word.

Because He is the great I Am, I can simply be who He created me to be, abiding in Him as a child of the King.

Lord, give us a holy hunger for You. Today, we choose to lay down our own agendas and reach for Your hand. Today we walk with You, open to seeing You afresh. We open Your Holy Word today and ask You to speak to us through Your Holy Spirit. Amen

If you want to quietly reflect on the character of God, I invite you into a 14 day experience through

Illuminate – Seeing God by the Light of His Word.

audio devotional

It’s 10 minutes a day for 14 days.

If you are hungry for deeper intimacy with God, Illuminate is for you.

If you are tired of fear, anxiety, frustration, and pressures of life having their way in your heart, Illuminate is for you.

Will You Be a Part of the Illuminate Community?

Shine bright together

I attended a conference where we each received a light. The lights dimmed into dark. One light from the stage glowed. Then each attendee’s light began to glow together. The stadium radiated light. The light overcame the dark.

As believers when we put our lights together, the forces of darkness fall.

I’m inviting you to join me in illuminating our own personal worlds in order that we illuminate this dark world.

A friend called me last week. She relayed a conversation about how a friend complained about the problems of the world, one problem specifically. My friend redirected her thoughts by asking this question, “What are you doing to fix this problem?”

You see, we can be quick to complain and turn to discouragement and despair. Or we can pick up our light and shine. If we want to see a change in this world, it starts with us. It starts with our own personal walk with the Lord. He has more to show us of who He is. When we see Him with fresh eyes for the truth of who He is, our own dark fades. Our light shines forth. And we will be as those who shine like stars in the universe (Phil 2:15)


“for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky”

Philippians 2:13-15

Illuminate released last week. If you missed the release post, you can read it here.

I’m absolutely giddy it’s finally available after so many hours turned to days turned to weeks and months.

I’ve worked on many projects, but none quite like this. The intimate time I experienced with the Holy Spirit, I’ll treasure forever. I’m certain He will speak directly to you through each of the 14 days.

And now I would love your help to share it with the world!

If you have purchased illuminate and have been blessed by it, please share it with others. The testimonies you send me about how God spoke to you or your family through illuminate are priceless.

To join an intentional launch team:

If you want to go beyond word of mouth and join together as a community, I have created a way we can do that. Here’s how it will work.

What You Need To Do:

  • Purchase your copy of illuminate
  • email me at illuminateaudiodevo@gmail.com with your purchase receipt
    • in your email tell me a little about yourself including which social media platforms you utilize and your number of followers, your blog address, etc.
  • Send me a request to join the Illuminate Group on Facebook
  • listen to each day of illuminate
  • share on the coordinated social media days I’ll provide

Beginning Monday, April 2nd we will together share through our social media or blog platforms the message of illuminate.

  • I have prepared social media graphics you can use. These will be on the Facebook group page.
  • I will also have writing prompts/questions if you would like to form your own posts related to illuminate and share through your blog or other avenues.
  • You don’t have to have a blog. If you have social media accounts, that is perfect!
  • There will be days we coordinate and all post together. However, you can post as often as you like.
  • We will share together twice a week for 3 weeks.
  • Our gathering place will be the Illuminate Group on Facebook. Like my page and you can be added to the group.

What’s in it for you?

  • A beautiful scripted font pdf printable download of Psalm 18:28-29. These will be emailed to all participants who send me an email to join this team/community. Emails will go out April 24th.
  • Access to illuminate launch team Closed Facebook Group  – it’s a place we can coordinate our efforts and also share with each other what God is speaking to each of us and how we are growing as we journey through illuminate together. (You do NOT have to participate in this if you don’t want to.)
  • 1 person from this group will be randomly selected for a 30 minute one on one mentoring phone call. (If you would like to be in the drawing for this, please include in your email)
  • 20 people from this group will be randomly selected to receive a 50% or 25% rebate on your purchase of illuminate.
    • I’ll draw winners from this group at the end of our 3 week launch on April 24th.

The Very Best Part For You Though?

  • a community of us will draw in a little closer as we each draw in closer to God.
  • we can share our God-sized thoughts/ideas/insights.
  • an accountability of sorts to actually finish a devotion. (Wink)
  • together we can know we are pushing back the dark by sharing illuminate with the world around us.

Questions you may have:

  • I don’t have a large network to share with, but I’d like to be part of this community. Can I still join?
    • Yes, and please do. I think of the fishes and loaves. We have all been given something, whether it seems a lot or little. We take our little and use it for His glory and watch God do the miracle of multiplying. One light shining next to another offers more than the one alone.
  • I can’t promise to share twice a week, but I’d like to be part of the larger community. Is this possible?
    • Yes, simply send a request to join the Facebook group. No need to send an email of your illuminate receipt.
    • You can grab graphics you’d like off the Facebook group and share as the Lord leads. Or you can simply be a part of the conversation.

I hope you join me in this community. I’m excited to get to know some of you better as we allow God to illuminate our hearts with His truth!

Would you invite your friends? Invite them to join us here on the blog to receive weekly updates and to be part of a larger movement to illuminate the world by starting in our own hearts. Going back to the foundation of seeing God for who He is by the light of His Word.

We truly shine brighter when we put our lights together!





It’s Time To Take Back Ground – Are You With Me?

“What if what we need….is to go back to remembering who God is?”

The weight of that question laid over us like the blankets cocooning us against the howling Lake Michigan wind.

Huddled like teens away at camp, the questions from deep within bounced back and forth between us.

With tenderness we held the holiness of the ponderings leading us to the question we believe was God-breathed.

Who is God? Really? Not the version the world creates. Not who others tell us He is. But who He is as revealed by Him!

We know God. We walk with Him. But He is infinite and we forget. Or worse, we harbor lies deep in our souls that we don’t even know are there. Lies like God isn’t good all the time. Or I have to take care of myself because God might fail me. Or I need to prove myself because I have to earn God’s love.

There are so many lies that bury themselves inside our hearts without us even realizing it. That is until we find ourselves in a situation that requires complete and total trust in God. And we have to go back to remembering who He is.

When we focus there, everything begins to change.

What if the answer to our biggest challenges in life is found by one simple practice or discipline? Actually, I now believe it is.

Lord, You light my lamp;
my God illuminates my darkness.

With You I can attack a barrier,
and with my God I can leap over a wall.

Psalm 18:28-29, HCSB


You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
    my God turns my darkness into light.
 With your help I can advance against a troop;
    with my God I can scale a wall.

Psalm 18:28-28, NIV

Friend, it’s time to take a stand. Time to take back ground the enemy has taken from you. No longer will you allow him to bully you. No longer will he use fear tactics, depression, anxiety, or diagnosis. No longer will he use your pain as a weapon against you. No longer will he use your illness against you. No longer will he use your insecurity.

Nope. He’s done. You know why? Because God is bigger.

It’s a simple truth we know but forget to live into. For too long we’ve allowed the devil to speak too loudly. Why do we listen to him? Have we forgotten he’s a liar?

The enemy tells us God’s not good.

God is good.

The enemy tells us God won’t catch us when we fall.

God tells us He will never leave or forsake us.

The enemy tells us to protect our hearts because no one is looking out for us.

God tells us He bottles up our tears.

The enemy tells us no one sees or understands.

God tells us He’s numbered the hairs on our head. And the stars he calls by name. Yeah, He sees alright.

Take that satan, you liar!

God has been showing me for a year it’s time to go on the offense.

Too often we wait to start fighting when the weight of the world feels it may crush us.

So God woke me early one morning, only a few short weeks after I sat huddled like a teenager with my friend at a writer’s retreat. He woke me with His Presence and His Words. His Holy Spirit began to pour out over me, and I experienced a time with Him like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. And now I finally get to share it all with you.

I have a few questions for you:

  • Do you find yourself facing problems, grief, difficult people or situations and feel it will swallow you right up?
  • Do you find yourself walking under the whispers of insecurity, doubt, guilt, shame, or fear? (You aren’t alone)
  • Do you feel distant from God?
  • Do you wonder how others hear from God and you don’t?
  • Do you simply need a heart renewal and revival?
  • Are you hungry for that which sustains?

You are not alone. It’s time to illuminate the darkness.

I have written and created a devotion just for you.

Illuminate – Seeing God by the Light of His Word is available for purchase here.

Here’s a post with all the questions you might have.

Or you can visit here for a video trailer and reviews.






Are you ready for a breakthrough & ready to push back the dark? It’s time to illuminate!


audio devotional



What is it?

  • A 14 day, focused devotional experience centered on the character and heart of God.
  • It’s audio. Because life is busy and the stack of books piling up on your nightstand are reminding you of this fact. You commute to work, carpool kids, clean the house, and exercise. All these aspects of life that make it hard to sit down and quietly turn the page now will not hold you back. Listen while you walk and work. Listen while you drive and clean. (Each day arrives with a full pdf transcript as well.)

Who is it for?

  • It’s for the christian who wants to experience God in a more intimate way.
  • It’s for the person who is tired of seeing fears, anxieties, and problems as bigger than our God.
  • It’s for the person who can’t find the time for traditional devotionals.
  • It’s for the person who desperately needs a revival of the heart, a spiritual awakening from slumber, monotony, and staleness.
  • It’s for the person who feels overwhelmed by life, racing to keep up with the pack, and desperate to find a moment of rest and time to breathe again in order to see God clearly at work.
  • It’s for the person who keeps saying, “Once I get here (or do this) then I can rest.” Yet, you find it’s a race with no end.
  • It’s for the person with an insatiable hunger and thirst for the things of God. You can’t get enough of Him. You are ready for more and you know He’s infinitely more than you can fathom. So you have open palms and surrendered arms asking Him to bring more of Him to you.

Why do you need it?

  • Because we all need to be reminded to remember.
  • Because we want to begin a new discipline that is an art. The art and discipline of remembrance- who God is as revealed in His Word.
  • Because you need a perspective shift. A tool to teach you to take your eyes off your problems and place them onto the One Who quiets the wind and the waves.
  • Because writing it changed my life, and I want the same for you.

How does it work?

  1. Click the picture on this post or visit www.renee-robinson.com/shop and select the Illuminate icon.
  2. Add Illuminate to your cart and follow the steps through checkout. Be sure to enter the email you want to receive the devotion to.
  3. After checking out, you will receive an email receipt.
  4. Within one hour of checking out you will receive your Day 1 email. In this email you will receive the audio link as well as the transcript link.
  5. To listen to the audio, simply click where it prompts you and the player will begin playing. Now sit back and let me gently and slowly read to you while soft music plays in the background.
  6. For the next 13 days, you will receive one email a day, slipped quietly into your inbox. Each day is approximately 10 minutes or less.


  • I’m not good with technology. Will this be difficult?
    • This is a simple to use process. You need a credit card and email address. Within approximately an hour of ordering, you will receive the email for Day 1. Each day following, you will receive the next day in your inbox.
  • How do I listen?
    • You can listen through your phone, computer, or ipad. You can listen through speakers or headphones.
  • How long does it take for the Day 1 email to arrive?
    • It arrives within the first hour of purchase. However, it frequently lands in junk, spam, or promotions. Be sure to check there if it doesn’t arrive to your inbox after purchase. Add Renee Robinson to your address book.
  • What if I like reading better than listening?
    • I had you in mind too, my friend! Each day has a full pdf transcript.
  • Can I buy multiple copies as gifts?
    • Yes, and I hope you do! However, you will need to purchase each copy in a separate transaction. Be sure to to enter the email address for the gift recipient. Quickly after purchasing, send a note letting them know what is coming.
  • I didn’t receive my Day 1 email?
    • Please check your spam, junk, and promotions folders. Some email accounts have multiple junk folders. Also be sure to mark the email as not spam/junk and add Renee Robinson to your address list to help route your emails properly.
  • Will I have forever access to this devotion?
    • Yes, it doesn’t expire. It is yours to keep.
  • Why does it come in 14 emails instead of all in one download?
    • Great question! The answer is simply that I want you to walk slowly with God through this journey. The truths and reminders He will reveal need to be sipped on and soaked in. I’m afraid if I gave it to you all at once, you would attempt to devour it. Slowly digest, my friend.
  • Is it a Bible Study?
    • No, it’s a daily devotional. However, every other day offers scripture meditations and prayers. At the end of these days, I’ve offered some questions for you to ponder if you would like to go deeper with God.
  • Can I get a refund if I don’t like it?
    • I’m confident you will love Illuminate. However, in the event you don’t, I’m happy to offer you a full refund within 14 days of purchase. Simply email me at renee@renee-robinson.com.
  • I have questions you didn’t answer.
    • Email me at renee@renee-robinson.com
  • I absolutely LOVE illuminate and want to help you spread the word. Do you offer an affiliate program?
    • At this time I don’t offer an affiliate program. I’m thrilled you want to spread the word. Honestly, the best thing you could do is share with everyone you know. Share on social media, email your friends. Stop by my Instagram or Pinterest pages and grab my graphics and share your heart out!  Use #illuminatedevotion. Thank you and I love you!
  • I’m not a woman. Is this for me too?
    • The majority of my readers are women, and illuminate is certainly targeted to women. However, I’ve had several men tell me they loved it! So there ya go!
    • I’ve also had families tell me using it as a family devotion has blessed their family. While I never envisioned that, the Spirit is moving, and your older children may love it as well!
  • I’m still not ready to order. Can you give me more information?

How to solve impossible problems and situations

“I can’t do it. I’m so frustrated. I’m not good at this.”

“You can do it. Just take a deep breath.”

“Every time I try to solve it, I get it wrong.”

I can relate.

I sat on the edge of my son’s bed, peering over his shoulder at the math lesson on the screen.

He had worked and re-worked the problem only to come up with wrong answer after wrong answer.

I know the feeling. I bet you do too. How often have you faced a situation you have attempted to solve to no avail.  You begin to hear the taunting whispers that you’ll never get it, clothing your soul with fear and frustration.

I looked at the problem facing my son from a different viewpoint. I stood at the top of the hill looking down into the valley. I spotted the cleared trails and paths leading to the place he needed to go.

He stood down in that valley, right in the cluster of tall, tangled weeds. He couldn’t see the path because he was on the same level ground of the path he sought.

“Ok, listen. I see exactly what you need to do. I need you to start by taking a deep breath. Then take a step back. You need a new viewpoint.”

He shot a quick, questioning glance my way.

I watched his shoulders release the clutches of fear and frustration. I heard the held air leave his lungs.

“Ok, now step back. You need a wider view. Ask yourself this question – what is this problem asking me to do? You see, you are jumping to trying to solve, but you are missing the big picture. What is it even asking you to do from a big picture view? What is the logical path to get there?”

When I realized I had his attention, I continued.

“It’s actually easier than you realize. You approached it with a negative attitude, assuming the problem was out to get you and you would never get it right. But if you approach with a different attitude and a broader mindset, you might be surprised to find the answer was right in front of you the entire time.”

I tossed out a question. He answered. I tossed another. He answered. Each question served as the stakes tossed to mark his trail.

He arrived at the answer with no fighting or clawing. It was there in all its simple glory.

The next day a similar problem awaited him. It was the same type of problem, only it was asked with a slight variation. I watched as he began to march into the tangled weeds. It’s the way most familiar to him. He called out to me. I stood by his side.

“Remember, take that wide angle view. Switch lenses. Step back.”

He followed my guidance. I watched him climb out of the choking weeds and make his way to to the top of the hill.

I never said another word. I simply reminded him to choose the right view first.

He solved the problem.

For the next several days, I watched him reminded of the days he took his first tottering steps, unsure of his newfound skill. I remember those steps clearly. With each step, his smile grew. He’d glance back for reassurance. I’d smile back. You can do it, my smile prompted him. I’m right here to catch you when you fall.

Don’t fear the fall. I’ll help you up. Each fall brings you one step closer to your next steady step. I love you. I love you. I love you.

After a few days of my son calling out to me to guide him through these types of math problems, he realized he actually could do it. It took practice. Each one became easier. The answer was always right in front of him. He only needed to look through a wide angle lens rather than a zoom lens.

“Mom, can you come here. I think I need help.”

“I think you’ve got it, buddy.”

He got to work. I watched him take it step by step.

“It’s weird. Sometimes you don’t even need to say anything, but just your presence helps me. I wish I could do all my math problems with you by my side. I feel like I’d get them all right.”

His words hit my soul in the most healing of ways. God’s Presence is my good. His Presence is sometimes the only thing I need.

But as for me, God’s presence is my good.
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
so I can tell about all You do.

Psalm 73:28

When we stand in our impossible problems, we forget God stands high above us, yet right beside us at the same time. He has the wider view.

To solve my impossible situations and problems, I simply need to call out to Him. I need to seek Him. Sometimes He will guide me step by step and show me paths I couldn’t see on my own. But sometimes His Presence is the only thing I truly need. I just need the reminder that He sees me, He loves me, He is for me not against me. He is my everything.

He calmly caresses my back as He whispers, “Daughter, I’m here. I’m your refuge. All you need is me. I’ll guide you. I’ll care for you. When you fall on the path, don’t be afraid of the fall. I’ll be here to lift you up. I’ll wipe the dirt from your knees. I’ll bandage your wounds. Let me care for you, for I’m tender and gentle. Let your tears fall. I collect them in a bottle. I have numbered the very hairs on your head. You are my great treasure. Just seek my Presence, and together we will walk.”