Rest For The Weary Mom
To all the moms,
The days can be long and hard. You work without ceasing and wonder if any of it matters at all. Diaper change after diaper change, meal after meal, bottle after bottle, homework assignments, work projects, carpooling, sports schedules, the moments wear you down until you fall into your bed completely spent. You feel like nothing is left to give, and you wonder how in the world you are making a difference. Did any of it make a real difference? Does anyone understand?
You work so hard to keep it all spinning. You fill your calendar with fun outings for your family, you schedule the appointments that must be scheduled, you attempt to carve out some time to invest in your friends. But at the end of the day, you are exhausted, and what you are most desperate for is just a slice of rest. A portion of rest for your wearied heart. Does anyone understand?
If you are working, the pressure that rests on your shoulders feels unbearable at times. You are pulled in 100 different directions, you try your best to give your best, but most days you feel you could only give a part of you to everything and gave nothing all of you. It’s frustrating. Does anyone understand?
If you stay at home, you are desperate for a shower, for conversation and companionship, for a break – even just 5 minutes. You listen to chatter all day long, you break up fights, and the house is a disaster – always. Does anyone understand?
You love everything you are doing, but most days you feel a bit unnoticed. You served all day long and maybe never heard a single thank you. Did they notice that you went without a shower so they could have a hot meal and a special lunch with a note? Sometimes, possibly. Did they realize that in an entire day, you never actually sat down once until dinner hit the table? Do they know the pressure you are under at work and see how you can still come home and wrap your arms around them and hide your troubles away? Does anyone understand?
A battle tries to break out in your mind. One side showing how life is beating you up and painting a picture of frustration and defeat. The other side is a picture of beauty in the mess. The defeated side we don’t need to waste our time on. Let’s look at the other side.
While you were packing lunches, signing permission slips, and sipping your cold coffee, little eyes watched. They saw you serving, it becomes a memory. They won’t thank you now, but you modeled the heart of a servant. While you change the 5th diaper of the morning, little eyes are fixed on your face. They see your smile, they know they are loved. They listen to you sing to them. It’s nap time for the littles and you would love nothing more than rest, but you choose instead to make a meal for a friend in need. You sacrificed your time for another. Your little ones see, they may not thank you, but you modeled Jesus to them.
The person in the checkout line was rude, you offered a smile back. Again feeling like no one sees you, you chose the higher road. Your little ones see.
The little ones see and take note. They see only a fraction of the moments of your day.
Moms, all the moments that make us weary become little imprints in their hearts. Little moment, by little moment we create a picture in their hearts of a life devoted to Christ. As moms we may feel unnoticed, unloved at times, unappreciated many days – it all matters. Moms, our calling is a high calling.
There is One who sees it all. He understands. Beyond understanding, he offers what you are most desperate for. Rest for your wearied mommy heart. He’s written you a love letter. And he wants you to take these words and tuck them into your heart. He knows you will need them in the worst kind of way.
Matthew 11:28 NLT Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Isaiah 40:31 ESV But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Galations 6:9 ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Jeremiah 31:25 ESV For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.
He sees, he understands. That’s all that matters. It’s why we do what we do. We do it because we are in love with Christ. And He gives us the rest we desire. The world exhausts us. He lifts us back up. He sustains us. He strengthens our wearied hearts.