Reasons to Consider Unplugging from Technology to Plug Into Our Families
Last March our family fasted from electronics for a month. It was the first time we had done something like that, and we were pleasantly surprised by the results. Here is the post I wrote last year on 5 Benefits of an Electronics Fast.
I began to notice some areas of attitude, resistance, and disconnection in our family recently. This is an area I pray about frequently and felt that another fast was in order. Our fast began over the weekend. This is never something welcomed by our children. They never get excited that we are implementing this. However, we see the most positive results through the process. If I gave them their choice, they would eat candy all day long and never touch a vegetable. The same holds true for electronics. It’s fun, they love them, but we know there are healthier options they need to experience.
After posting A Letter To My Sons (the real reason I say no to electronics), I realized how many families felt the same way. It’s a topic that is becoming more important as the crutch of electronics invades our family lives.
The weeks leading up to Easter is a great time to try an electronics fast if you’ve always wanted to give it a shot. I admit, it’s scary, but you will not regret a second of the time you experience with your family. Start small. You don’t have to start out with a 30 day break (though I really love our longer breaks). Try just one weekend, one day even.
Of all my boys, my middle son is the one who loves electronics more than the others. However, on Day 2 of our fast, he said, “This is actually kind of fun.” This same thing was said last year by both of my older boys. They wouldn’t choose an electronics fast, but they do enjoy it and see the benefits.
I would add one more thing to my list from 5 Benefits of an Electronics Fast – more sleep. I find that on the weekends my boys wake early because they expect to watch a movie or they wonder if a movie is being watched, and they don’t want to miss out. Now, they are simply sleeping and enjoying getting the rest and relaxation because they know they aren’t missing out on anything.
“When the option of electronics is completely removed, kids will become kids again. When all the distractions are removed, we can fully enjoy our moments again.” – 5 Benefits of an Electronics Fast. I encourage you to visit this previous post to read the benefits we noticed in our family.
Technology has wonderful uses, but every so often a disconnect in the family calls for a disconnect from technology. A time to recharge and reboot as a family unit. A time to connect fully with each other and rediscover one another. A time to create some new moments and see them with fresh, focused eyes.