What the Bible Says About 50 Shades Of Grey
God has called me into writing and speaking out of a deep love for women that He’s placed in my heart. It’s because I love you so much that I risk writing this post today. I pray you read this through the lens of love from which I write.
I ask one thing, that you read this to the end. I’ve kept it short to keep your attention.
We were created with hearts that desire a love story. We want a rescuer. We want a man to come and sweep us off our feet. We want a protector. We want to be understood. We want to be fully known and deeply loved. We want to be the center of his attention, the apple of his eye. We want him to pursue us, chase us hard. We want to be found when we hide.
We long for a love story, one bathed in passion and excitement.
50 Shades of Grey will promise to deliver a love story full of passion and excitement. It is not a love story. You want a love story? It’s in the Bible. It’s a story unimaginable. A love story no mind could fathom or create.
You want passion? It’s in the Bible, what kind of passion lays one’s life down for another?
You want excitement? It’s in the Bible. When you read the lengths He’s gone to for you, you can’t help but pant for more of him.
Want a story of power who will come and sweep us off our feet? He’s coming on a white horse for us. He’s come and he’s coming again. (Revelation 19:11-16)
God knows these desires, and He has fulfilled and waits to fulfill every longing of our hearts. The very hearts He created, the very lives He breathed life into.
We have an enemy who knows these desires quite well. This enemy sets out to deceive us and destroy us. He takes God’s truths and distorts them. He takes God-given desires and deforms them. He takes what was meant for good, turns it inside out, and uses it against us as a weapon that will lead to death. Death of marriages, families, lives. He is death. God is life.
2 Corinthians 11:14
But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
50 Shades of Grey is nothing but pornography. Erotica is a justified term for porn. A staggering number of christian women are falling victim to pornography. It’s a story of power and dominance, demeaning to women, full of dark and evil.
There are many gray areas in the Bible. And there are black and whites. 50 Shades of Grey is no gray area according to God. It is a black and white issue.
[Tweet “50 Shades of Grey is no gray area according to God.”]
How do we, as christian women, make any decisions? We look to truth. We look to His Word. We seek wisdom. We pray for discernment.
Women, stand for truth and goodness. Stand for integrity and holiness. Stand for purity and righteousness.
Psalm 101:3 NIV
I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.
When we purchase this book, when we purchase a ticket to watch it, we are funding sex trafficking through the back door. The very evil that outrages us and causes us to stand and fight, we take part in when we give our money to pornography. Pornography funds and fuels little girls and women across the world to be sold for vile sex acts. Pornography funds the selling of bodies to fulfill the lustful desires of evil men.
If you want to fight sex trafficking, do not read, purchase, or watch 50 Shades of Grey.
[Tweet “If you want to fight sex trafficking, do not read, purchase, or watch 50 Shades of Grey.”]
I’m pleading with you today on behalf of innocent victims to fight against a culture that is opening the door to pornography and making way for more girls to be sold, abused, and oppressed.
Life is a fight. A constant fight. We prevail. We win in the end, my friends! Praise God, He is coming to put an end to the evil of this world. We will all stand before Him. I long to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Love your christian sisters enough to say no to 50 Shades of Grey. Don’t fall into peer pressure. Speak up when others speak as if this book is ok. It’s not. It’s the enemy’s tool to deceive us and steal the joy, excitement, and passion He has for us here and now.
Additional posts in this series:
Are We Being Judgmental? 50 Shades of Grey
Does God Really Care If I Watch 50 Shades of Grey?
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