The Blessing of You
After a full fall schedule, I sit here with few words. Seeking Christmas released the last week of August, and I haven’t stopped until this week. My last official event took place Thursday and Friday, so now I breathe.
The Lord has challenged me, encouraged me, and sustained me. And He has blessed me wildly. And not the way the world may recognize. (Remember this post?) Seeking Christmas hasn’t broken records, topped charts, or won awards in its first season….yet I feel wildly blessed. One of the ways the Lord has blessed me is through you.
Your words slipped into my inbox, your notes coming quietly through Facebook messages have filled my heart with encouragement and allowed me a glimpse at the work the Lord is doing in each of you.
I write to inspire and encourage….you. I pray for you. I connect with you when I write. And the Lord has blessed me by bringing each of you into my life. Writing has brought me an unexpected gift. You are a gift and a treasure to me.
Through readers of this blog and readers of Seeking Christmas, I have come to love people I have never even met in person. I have seen the goodness of the Lord in the lives of once strangers brought into my life through words shared, hearts revealed, and passions grown.
I sit here now watching the rain puddle on the porch- realizing I have months worth of life to catch up on. But it can wait 2 more weeks. We are quietly seeking Christmas in our home. Each Christmas holds the same truths, yet each Christmas looks different. Even when we are living out traditions year after year, each season may look different.
My prayer today is that we pause. That we pause and reflect on the true meaning of it all-that we seek the true holiness of it all. He is coming. His birth was humble and simple, the message profound and turned the world inside out. May he do that in our lives this season with the simple gifts of Christmas: hope, love, peace, and joy.
Seeking Christmas is a 7 day family devotion that guides families into intentional times of worship and activities that focus on discovering the true meaning and gifts of Christmas. It holds the same truths for each family using it, but will look different in each home. Your family can create your own unique memories and experiences while Seeking Christmas together through guided devotions and activities.

I love the thought of you doing Seeking Christmas with your own family and still keeping it a priority during a time that has been busy for you. Thank you for setting this example… Love, Adina