When God Won’t Stop the Blessings


A friend in Bible study answered a question out loud, “If you could have anything for dinner, what would you choose?” Her unhesitating response, “Meatloaf!”

Over the course of the next 7 days, she received several dinner invitations, all serving meatloaf, none knowing her request before God. In the following week, 6 of her days consisted of eating meatloaf.

She shared this story with my boys reminding them to be careful what they prayed, wished, or asked God for because we serve a God who not only desires to bless abundantly, but One who has an unexpected sense of humor as well.

The world tends to paint a picture of a God who is stingy with His blessings, a God who will carefully decide who gets a blessing and just how much they will receive. In reality we serve a God desiring to open up blessings on His children. He’s looking for the hearts who long for Him.

Sometimes we tend to guard ourselves even from God. We are tight fisted, holding fast to what we think is security. Afraid to open ourselves more than is necessary. All the while, God is whispering, “Open your hands. I have blessings for you.”

Lamentations 3:25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

A few weeks ago I experienced something that caught me by surprise….

Would you join me over at Lift Up Your Day for the rest of today’s post?