Why is the invitation to come so hard to receive?

Jesus invites us to come to Him. What an incredible invitation.
Turns out His invitation to come is one of the hardest for me to accept.
Send me an invitation with an attached to do list, I’ll attack that list and come with my productivity to offer.
To simply come means I don’t need to produce or achieve. I need bring no value to the table.
Just me and Jesus.
To come to Jesus means I lay down my idol of productivity and self-sufficiency, and I choose to trust in Him. I lay down my need to solve my problems and figure out the future – instead I trust Him. I lay down my worried and anxious thoughts – I trust Him.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Come, Take, Learn, Find.
Come to me– Here is the invitation to trust Him.
Take my yoke – this is the metaphor for the burden of sin on us. You see when I trust in myself over God, I’m taking a heavy burden upon myself that I’ll never be able to carry.
Learn from me– this is a gentle reminder of who He is. He is gentle and humble. Learn from Him.
Find rest– We are weary. Our souls cry for rest. It is His will for us.
Lord, Thank you that you invite us to come to you. You desire we place our trust in you not only at salvation but in every moment of our lives. Today remind us that you always have an open invitation for us to come to you, take your yoke, learn from you, and find rest. We love you. Amen
If you would like a visual reminder each morning and night, I highly recommend a scripture pillowcase.